Δευτέρα 12 Αυγούστου 2024

Peace is the Answer

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

We bring you tidings from the Hollow Earth located in the innermost cavity of your planet. We dwell here in peace and prosperity and great abundance. We wear precious gems and gold that adorn our bodies and homes, and everyone has as many as they could ever want. Everything is in prolific abundance - including peace and unconditional love. For it is this peace and love that creates abundance and prosperity and longevity of life. This is the secret – the magic to life.

Just live in peace and harmony and love with one another, and heaven on Earth is yours. It is truly magic. For peaceful living can only bring more peace and great riches beyond your 3rd dimensional imagination. Peace is the answer to all your societal ills. Love is the answer to all your family and relationship problems. Peace is the answer to your economic woes and stock market fluctuations. Peaceful co-existing is the purpose of life and the reason you are here. Don’t let it elude you, and don’t let 9/11 and other tragedies detract you from feeling peace within yourself. These events are but ploys to detract you from the peace that already exists within each of you. These events are purposely orchestrated to push humanity off the course of your impending ascension. No matter what transpires on your surface world, stay calm and centered within your soul and “feel peace”. It is only through the feelings that peacefulness can emerge. Hold this peacefulness and let it extend out onto your surface, and touch every soul you come in contact with. This is how you spread peace and counteract the darkness around your Earth.

The Forces of Light are here in great numbers surrounding your Earth and every man, woman and child. Our Central Sun has sent Legions of Angels to guide and protect you, as the energies coming to Earth are so powerful now that everything not of Love is being pushed to the surface for healing.

We in the Hollow Earth are insulated from the chaos above, for the Earth is a great insulator and provides a protective shield all around us. We can be in contact with you, but cannot be contacted by negativity. It just can’t reach us. Our shield of protection is just too strong. We’ve woven a force field around us that is impenetrable to everything that is not of the Light. We are secure and safe inside the Earth for it is the only way we can exist and evolve.

When you achieve these peaceful living conditions, we can then emerge and welcome you into the Confederation of Planets, where you will be shown how to change your world back into Paradise.

(to be continued)

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