Τρίτη 27 Αυγούστου 2024

Complaining and Resentment

From Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth”

Complaining is one of the ego's favorite strategies for strengthening itself. Every complaint is a little story the mind makes up that you completely believe in. Whether you complain aloud or only in thought makes no difference. Some egos that perhaps don't have much else to identify with easily survive on complaining alone. When you are in the grip of such an ego, complaining, especially about other people, is habitual and, of course, unconscious, which means you don't know what you are doing. Applying negative mental labels to people, either to their face or more commonly when you speak about them to others or even just think about them, is often part of this pattern. Name calling is the crudest form of such labeling and of the ego's need to be right and triumph over others: “jerk, bastard, bitch” all definitive pronouncements that you can't argue with. On the next level down on the scale of unconsciousness, you have shouting and screaming, and not much below that, physical violence.

Resentment is the emotion that goes with complaining and the mental labeling of people and adds even more energy to the ego. Resentment means to feel bitter, indignant, aggrieved, or offended. You resent other people's greed, their dishonesty, their lack of integrity, what they are doing, what they did in the past, what they said, what they failed to do, what they should or shouldn't have done. The ego loves it. Instead of overlooking unconsciousness in others, you make it in to their identity. Who is doing that? The unconsciousness in you, the ego. Sometimes the “fault” that you perceive in another isn't even there. It is a total misinterpretation, a projection by a mind conditioned to see enemies and to make itself right or superior. At other times, the fault may be theirs, but by focusing on it, sometimes to the exclusion of everything else, you amplify it. And what you react to in another, you strengthen in yourself.

Non reaction to the ego in others is one of the most effective ways not only of going beyond ego in yourself, but also of dissolving the collective human ego. But you can only be in a state of non reaction if you can recognize someone's behavior as coming from the ego, as being an expression of the collective human dysfunction. When you realize it's not personal, there is no longer a compulsion to react as if it were. By not reacting to the ego, you will often be able to bring out the sanity in others, which is the unconditioned consciousness as opposed to the conditioned. At times you may have to take practical steps to protect yourself from deeply unconscious people. This you can do without making them into enemies. Your greatest protection, however, is being conscious. Somebody becomes an enemy if you personalize the unconsciousness that is the ego. Non reaction is not weakness but strength. Another word for non reaction is forgiveness. To forgive is to overlook, or rather to look through. You look through the ego to the sanity that is in every human being as his or her essence.

The ego loves to complain and feel resentful not only about other people but also about situations. What you can do to a person, you can also do to a situation: make it into an enemy. The implication is always: This should not be happening; I don't want to be here; I don't want to be doing this; I'm being treated unfairly. And the egos greatest enemy of all is, of course, the present moment, which is to say, life itself.

Complaining is not to be confused with informing someone of a mistake or deficiency so that it can be put right. And to refrain from complaining doesn't necessarily mean putting up with bad quality or behavior. There is no ego in telling the waiter that your soup is cold and needs to be heated up – if you stick to the facts, which are always neutral. “How dare you serve me cold soup...” That's complaining. There is a “me” here that loves to feel personally offended by the cold soup and is going to make the most of it, a “me” that enjoys making someone wrong. The complaining we are talking about is in the service of the ego, not of change. Sometimes it becomes obvious that the ego doesn't really want change so that it can go on complaining.

See if you can catch, that is to say, notice, the voice in the head, perhaps in the very moment it complains about something, and recognize it for what it is: the voice of the ego, no more than a conditioned mind pattern, a thought. Whenever you notice that voice, you will also realize that you are not the voice, but the one who is aware of it. In fact, you are the awareness that is aware of the voice. In the background, there is the awareness. In the foreground, there is the voice, the thinker. In this way you are becoming free of the ego, free of the unobserved mind. The moment you become aware of the ego in you, it is strictly speaking no longer the ego, but just an old, conditioned mind pattern. Ego implies unawareness. Awareness and ego cannot coexist. The old mind pattern or mental habit may still survive and reoccur for a while because it has the momentum of thousands of years of collective human unconsciousness behind it, but every time it is recognized, it is weakened.

(to be continued)

Κυριακή 25 Αυγούστου 2024

Our Water is Alive with Consciousness

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

Good morning. It is Mikos calling to you from the ocean shore in the Hollow Earth, where I am walking along the beach watching the waves lap the sand. Our oceans are large, nay huge in comparison to yours, with waves larger in size and stronger in force. The oceans flow swiftly around our inner globe, and ebb and flow in tides affected by the Earth’s outer moon just as your tides are. For the magnetic pull of the moon is felt inside the Earth as well.***We all spend much of our time on the beaches, walking on the sand along the shore, and swimming in the ocean’s clean, clear water. The water in our oceans and rivers is composed of living consciousness, and it is our water’s consciousness that keeps us young forever.

Your water is the elixir of life, and in its pure state it can change your bodies and actually bring the dead back to life. It can bring the life force back into each and every cell, thereby increasing the flow of consciousness in your whole body and bringing full consciousness back into every living cell. This quickening can move you beyond all earthly sicknesses and diseases, and give you the physical perfection and physical immortality you all yearn for. So drink your water «consciously», and know that soon our pure water will arrive on the surface to cure all the ills of your people and bring them back into a higher state of consciousness.

There are already some bodies of water on the surface that are known for their curative effects, and people by the millions go to them. Soon all your bodies of water will have these curative effects and more, as we prepare ourselves to emerge from below ground and merge with you on the surface. Your bodies yearn to be freed from the distortion of sickness and disease, and yearn to feel the illumination of God’s Light from within. Our water will dissolve all negativity and blockages and bacteria, so that your cells are clear to radiate the Light from God that is always flowing through you.

Your Inner Heart’s Flame is always ablaze with God’s Light, but the current density of the cells quench the Light’s illuminating effect and instead of the Light blazing forth like a golden sun, its rays become splintered and distorted and stuck. Water and Light are necessary for life, and your cells need to be purified to hold the great Light that is emanating from your Heart’s Flame, which is a true and actual flame that is lit inside your heart and composed of the consciousness of the Creator flowing through you.

So know that as the pollution of the surface has intensified, so has the pollution inside your body. Whatever you do to the planet, you do to yourself. If you as a species stop polluting your earth, water and air, you will stop polluting your bodies. They are inextricably connected, as you can see. But this can all be reversed, as you can also see, and we will reverse all these conditions that are against life, when we come to the surface in the not too distant future. I am Mikos, Caretaker of the Earth.

Our Water Talks

Our shorelines are packed with the purest of sand, white colored and soft and crystal clear specs of the smoothest particles you have ever stepped on. Walking on our sandy beaches is akin to having the best foot massage possible. And we do walk on our beaches for this very purpose, for its massage soothes our feet and mind simultaneously. Our ocean’s waves lap our shorelines with the purest and cleanest of water you have ever seen or tasted. And the temperature is always perfect for our bodies. Not too warm and not too cold. We walk into our oceans where it is shallow, and swim out great distances without ever getting tired or cold. No one here ever drowns. This is unheard of and unimaginable. We are all great swimmers, and our oceans and lakes support us so that we stay on top of the water.

Our water has consciousness, and talks to us while we are immersed in it. Yes, our water talks. When we swim, our water becomes part of our body, and we are one body, one ocean, swimming along the currents and through the waves. We merge ourselves completely with the water’s consciousness, and our swim is a trip in consciousness itself. It is so much more than what you experience in your surface lakes and oceans, where the consciousness of your water has become so densified and polluted that it has lost its voice and vitality and life force. It weakly calls out to you, but you don’t hear it. It calls out to you for help. It calls out to you to stop polluting it, to stop bombarding it with ELF sound waves, to stop the whaling ships and underwater experiments, and oil spills, and submarines, and cruise ships from destroying and poisoning its life force. But alas, it rests on deaf ears. For the children of Earth are still deaf to the destruction they are causing the Earth. It’s only the greedy politicians who know what they are doing, and they do it purposely to destroy the Earth for their own personal gain, in the name of bolstering the economy. Everything is for the economy and nothing for the Earth or its people. Families don’t count anymore, only the state of the economy counts. You never hear about the ‘state of the family’ on the news, it’s always the ‘state of the economy’ you hear about. Well, when there’s no longer any families alive, there won’t be an economy either.

So help yourself by helping your Earth. It’s only through your returning your surface oceans and lands to their pristine state that you will return to a perfect economy where everyone lives in abundance and perfect health.

(to be continued)

Σάββατο 24 Αυγούστου 2024

The Core of Ego

From Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth”

Most people are so completely identified with the voice in the head – the incessant stream of involuntary and compulsive thinking and the emotions that accompany it – that we may describe them as being possessed by their mind. As long as you are completely unaware of this you take the thinker to be who you are. This is the egoic mind. We call it egoic because there is a sense of self, of I (ego), in every thought – every memory, every interpretation, opinion, viewpoint, reaction, emotion. This is unconsciousness, spiritually speaking. Your thinking, the content of your mind, is of course conditioned by the past: your upbringing, culture, family background, and so on. The central core of all your mind activity consists of certain repetitive and persistent thoughts, emotions, and reactive patterns that you identify with most strongly. This entity is the ego itself.

In most cases, when you say “I,” it is the ego speaking, not you, as we have seen. It consists of thought and emotion, of a bundle of memories you identify with as “me and my story,” of habitual roles you play without knowing it, of collective identifications such as nationality, religion, race, social class, or political allegiance. It also contains personal identifications, not only with possessions, but also with opinions, external appearance, long standing resentments, or concepts of yourself as better than or not as good as others, as a success or failure.

The content of the ego varies from person to person, bu in every ego the same structure operates. In other words: Egos only differ on the surface. Deep down they are all the same. In what way are they the same? They live on identification and separation. When you live through the mind made self comprised of thought and emotion that is the ego. The basis for your identity is precarious, because thought and emotion are by their very nature ephemeral, fleeting. So every ego is continuously struggling for survival, trying to protect and enlarge itself. To uphold the I thought, it needs the opposite thought of “the other.” The conceptual “I” cannot survive without the conceptual “other.” The others are most other when I see them as my enemies. At one end of this scale of this unconscious egoic pattern lies the egoic compulsive habit of faultfinding and complaining about others. Jesus referred to it when he said, “Why to do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” At the other end of the scale, there is physical violence between individuals and warfare between nations. In the Bible, Jesus' question remains unanswered, but the answer is, of course: Because when I criticize or condemn another, it makes me feel bigger, superior.

Τρίτη 20 Αυγούστου 2024

We Have The Eyes Of Falcons

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

Today it is bright and glorious inside the Hollow Earth, as our Inner Sun is always shining and there are never any clouds in our sky. Our vision is always clear, and we can see for miles around our inner cities, and across our sky to the other side of our inner earth. We have the eyes of falcons, with intense, precise vision. No one here wears glasses, as our sight is perfect. Seeing is believing, and soon you will be able to see us with your inner vision, and wonder how you had never seen us before. As your consciousness climbs in frequency, so does the perfection of your body expand to every cell and organ, until you return to the divine perfection that you are.

Frequently Asked Questions of Hollow Earth Inhabitants

Q: Will you give us a physical description of yourself?

A: Yes, my eyes gleam with crystal light and my skin is soft as a baby. I am 15 feet tall, and hefty and stronger than an ox. I can jump across streams and wade through rivers and climb the highest mountains, all without tiring. I am in perfect condition, although I am over 483,000 years old - and I remain in divine perfection as we all do here in the Hollow Earth. No thought forms exist here that are less than divine, so all we think we become. It is the Law of Life. You, too, are realizing this on the surface. Hence you witness the upsurge of your transformational workshops taking place where you are taught that all you believe you create. It is simple law of life. I am Mikos.

Q: What kind of clothes do you wear?

A: We are all gathered together, here on the grass of the Library of Porthologos. We love to work outdoors, and take every opportunity to do so. We are very casual in our attire, and dress comfortably throughout the day. We have no set rules for dress codes, as you on the surface do. We dress according to how we feel - and we always feel good. So we dress in loose, brightly colored soft fabric clothing, made from hemp and other vegetable materials. We never use trees for anything, as they are Living Beings here to adorn our landscape, give us oxygen to breathe and serve as a home to other species.

Q: Do you have streets?

A: We don’t have streets. We have paths lined with flowers and composed of earth, so that our feet are always «grounded», and we often walk barefooted as our earth is «clean» and «pure» and massages our feet as we walk. It is the same feeling as your walking on your sandy beaches. Our feet are strong and healthy as a result, and our feet are not cramped from the constriction of shoes as yours are.

Q: Where does your Light come from?

A: The Center of the Earth is a place exquisite in beauty and unique in charm and just dazzling with the Light of our people, for they mirror the face of God in all of God’s perfection. Our forms are perfect in proportion, and luminous with Light pouring out of all our cells. We don’t need artificial lighting, as our very own cells provide all the light we need. Our Light, plus our Inner Sun, lights up our Inner World perfectly - and of course it’s all free - with no electricity bills to pay. We generate all our own electricity and light, for we are each power generators of energy, and supply all we need in terms of light and heat for our homes and workplaces. Of course, we have help from our crystals. Crystals, coupled with electromagnetism, generate all the power we need to meet our needs.

Q: What are your beds made of?

A: Our beds are cushioned with a vibrant material that molds perfectly to our forms, yet gives our bodies the perfect support and comfort we need to leave us fully rejuvenated upon awakening.

Q: What kind of water do you drink?

A: Our water system is pristine pure, and is living, crystallized water, with its consciousness fully intact - not like your dead water on the surface, that’s devoid of life giving energy.

Q: How old are your trees?

A: Our trees are thousands upon thousands of years old, and adorn our landscapes in their majestic gowns of green. We are in full communication with all the trees, bushes, plants and flowers, and can hear their choruses and arias wafting through the air as they serenade our inner homeland.

Πέμπτη 15 Αυγούστου 2024

The peace that passes all understanding

From Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth”

There are many accounts of people who experienced that emerging new dimension of consciousness as a result of tragic loss at some point in their lives. Some lost all of their possessions, others their children or spouse, their social position, reputation, or physical abilities. In some cases, through disaster or war, they lost all of these simultaneously and found themselves with “nothing.” We may call this a limit situation. Whatever they had identified with, whatever gave them their sense of self, had been taken away. Then suddenly and inexplicably, the anguish or intense fear they initially felt gave way to a scared sense of Presence, a deep peace and serenity and complete freedom from fear. This phenomenon must have been familiar to St. Paul, who used the expression “the peace of God which passeth all understanding”. It is indeed a peace that doesn't seem to make sense, and the people who experienced it asked themselves: In the face of this, how can it be that I feel such peace?

The answer is simple, once you realize what the ego is and how it works. When forms that you had identified with, that gave you your sense of self, collapse or are taken away, it can lead to a collapse of the ego, since ego is identification with form. When there is nothing to identify with anymore, who are you? When forms around you die or death approaches, your sense of Beingness, of I Am, is freed from its entanglement with form: Spirit is released from its imprisonment in matter. You realize your essential identity as formless, as an all pervasive Presence, of Being prior to all forms, all identifications. You realize your true identity as consciousness itself, rather than what consciousness had identified with. That's the peace of God. The ultimate truth of who you are is not in I am this or I am that, but I Am.

Not everybody who experiences great loss also experiences this awakening, this disidentification from form. Some immediately create a strong mental image or thought form in which they see themselves as a victim, whether it be of circumstances, other people, an unjust fate, or God. This thought form and the emotions it creates, such as anger, resentment, self pity, and so on, they strongly identify with, and it immediately takes the place of all the other identifications that have collapsed through the loss. In other words, the ego quickly finds a new form. The fact that this new form is a deeply unhappy one doesn't concern the ego too much, as long as it has an identity, good or bad. In fact, this new ego will be more contracted, more rigid and impenetrable than the old one.

Whenever tragic loss occurs, you either resist or you yield. Some people become bitter or deeply resentful; others become compassionate, wise, and loving. Yielding means inner acceptance of what is. You are open to life. Resistance is an inner contraction, a hardening of the shell of the ego. You are closed. Whatever action you take in a state of inner resistance (which we could also call negativity) will create more outer resistance, and the universe will not be on your side; life will not be helpful. If the shutters are closed, the sunlight cannot come in. When you yield internally, when you surrender, a new dimension of consciousness opens up. If action is possible or necessary, your action will be in alignment with the whole and supported by creative intelligence, the unconditioned consciousness which in a state of inner openness you become one with. Circumstances and people then become helpful, cooperative. Coincidences happen. If no action is possible, you rest in the peace and inner stillness that come with surrender. You rest in God.

(to be continued)

Τετάρτη 14 Αυγούστου 2024

Our Immortality

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

We Don’t Age

We have waited all day in joy, knowing that we would make our connection today, at the end of your day. We are joyous to be here with you today, partnering with you to bring our messages to our brothers and sisters above ground. Thank you for keeping your appointment with us.

Today we will speak about time and how fleeting it is on the surface. You count your days, your minutes, your seconds, and register them all in your bodies, thinking that aging signifies the passage of time. As people age, time passes. As buildings deteriorate, time passes. This is time on the surface, and it is all an illusion. Time really does not exist - it can’t exist - and we are a prime example. Our bodies don’t age and our buildings don’t deteriorate. So does this mean that there is no time in the Inner Earth, but only time on the surface? You would think so, wouldn’t you? But our lives attest to the fact that through your passage of time, our bodies stay young, no matter how much time passes on the surface. You measure your time with aging, but we don’t age. Does this mean ëtime stands stillí for us? Or does it rather mean that you’re using an inappropriate measurement?*

our bodies wouldn’t age if you didn’t count the days and years as ‘getting older’. If you counted the days and years as your journeys around the sun, instead of ‘aging’, then 30 years would mean 30 trips around the sun, instead of 30 years ‘old’. ‘Trips’ don’t age you, but ‘years old’ does. If you just change the words from ‘years old’ to ‘trips’, you gain your immortality. It’s all in your beliefs and your speech. Your speech and your thoughts make it so.

In the Hollow Earth we know there’s no such thing as aging, because we never see it. We know there’s no such thing as time as you experience it, because here everything is in a perpetual state of ‘youthfulness’ and ‘newness’. Everything looks as new as the day it was created, including our bodies. We exist in a state of divine perfection, in an environment of ‘timelessness’.

We never ‘hurry’ and are never ‘late’, and we never ‘kill time’ as you do on the surface. Have you noticed how this is a favorite saying of yours? It’s as if time were your enemy, and whenever you have some extra time you ‘kill it’. You are in a rush to use up all the time in your life, so that the end comes fast, and you don’t have to ‘feel’. You just stay busy, watch the years of your life pass, and hope it ends without leaving any ‘extra’ time on your hands. For what would you do with ‘extra’ time? The thought would scare you, for it would leave you time to feel yourself, to feel your life, and feeling is what everyone wants to avoid. So without enough time left at the end of each day, you can avoid ‘feeling’ and just continue a robot-like existence.

You can stop time. Just start feeling yourself in every moment and prolong this feeling, this consciousness of yourself. You can actually expand your ‘time’, and prolong your youthfulness, by not getting caught up in ‘time’. If it starts slipping away from you, you can stop to recapture it by feeling yourself deeply in the moment. It’s all about awareness. If you lose yourself in your day, you lose a segment of your life. If you’re aware of yourself throughout your day, you gain immortality; for you’re focusing on the ‘now’.

ou would love our easy life style and slow, harmonious ways. We have ‘time’ to think things out, to talk things out, before we make choices. We’re never forced to choose because ‘time is running out’ or there’s a ‘deadline’. These are obstacles that you’ve created on the surface, and they just don’t exist ‘down here’.

We thank you for taking your ‘time’ today to meet with Us. I am Mikos, ageless and timeless.

(to be continued)

Τρίτη 13 Αυγούστου 2024

Forgetfulness of Being

From Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth”

Ego is always identification with form, seeking yourself and thereby losing yourself in some form. Forms are not just material objects and physical bodies. More fundamental than the external forms – things and bodies – are the thought forms that continuously arise in the field of consciousness. They are energy formations, finer and less dense than physical matter, but they are forms nonetheless. What you may be aware of as a voice in your head that never stops speaking is the stream of incessant and compulsive thinking. When every thought absorbs your attention completely, when you are so identified with the voice in your head and the motions that accompany it that you lose yourself in every thought and every emotion, then you are totally identified with form and therefore in the grip of ego. Ego is a conglomeration of recurring thought forms and conditioned mental emotional patterns that are invested with a sense of I, a sense of self. Ego arises when your sense of Beingness, of “I Am,” which is formless consciousness, gets mixed up with form. This is the meaning of identification. This is forgetfulness of Being, the primary error, the illusion of absolute separateness that turns reality into a nightmare.

From Descartes’s error to Sartre’s insight

The seventeenth century philosopher Descartes, regarded as the founder of modern philosophy, gave expression to this primary error with his famous dictum (which he saw as primary truth): “I think, therefore I am.” This was the answer he found to the question “Is there anything I can know with absolute certainty?” He realized that the fact that he was always thinking was beyond doubt, and so he equated thinking with Being, that is to say, identity – I am – with thinking. Instead of the ultimate truth, he had found the root of the ego, but he didn't know that.

It took almost three hundred years before another famous philosopher saw something in that statement that Descartes, as well as everybody else, had overlooked. His name was Jean Paul Sartre. He looked at Descartes's statement “I think, therefore I am” very deeply and suddenly realized, in his own words, “The consciousness that says 'I am' is not the consciousness that thinks.” What did he mean by that? When you are aware that you are thinking, that awareness is not part of thinking. It is a different dimension of consciousness. And it is that awareness that says “I am.” If there were nothing but thought in you, you wouldn't even know you are thinking. You would be like a dreamer who doesn't know he is dreaming. You would be as identified with every thought as the dreamer is with every image in the dream. Many people still live like that, like sleepwalkers, trapped in old dysfunctional mind sets that continuously recreate the same nightmarish reality. When you know you are dreaming, you are awake within the dream. Another dimension of consciousness has come in.

The implication of Sartre's insight is profound, but he himself was still too identified with thinking to realize the full significance of what he had discovered: an emerging new dimension of consciousness.

(to be continued)

Δευτέρα 12 Αυγούστου 2024

Peace is the Answer

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

We bring you tidings from the Hollow Earth located in the innermost cavity of your planet. We dwell here in peace and prosperity and great abundance. We wear precious gems and gold that adorn our bodies and homes, and everyone has as many as they could ever want. Everything is in prolific abundance - including peace and unconditional love. For it is this peace and love that creates abundance and prosperity and longevity of life. This is the secret – the magic to life.

Just live in peace and harmony and love with one another, and heaven on Earth is yours. It is truly magic. For peaceful living can only bring more peace and great riches beyond your 3rd dimensional imagination. Peace is the answer to all your societal ills. Love is the answer to all your family and relationship problems. Peace is the answer to your economic woes and stock market fluctuations. Peaceful co-existing is the purpose of life and the reason you are here. Don’t let it elude you, and don’t let 9/11 and other tragedies detract you from feeling peace within yourself. These events are but ploys to detract you from the peace that already exists within each of you. These events are purposely orchestrated to push humanity off the course of your impending ascension. No matter what transpires on your surface world, stay calm and centered within your soul and “feel peace”. It is only through the feelings that peacefulness can emerge. Hold this peacefulness and let it extend out onto your surface, and touch every soul you come in contact with. This is how you spread peace and counteract the darkness around your Earth.

The Forces of Light are here in great numbers surrounding your Earth and every man, woman and child. Our Central Sun has sent Legions of Angels to guide and protect you, as the energies coming to Earth are so powerful now that everything not of Love is being pushed to the surface for healing.

We in the Hollow Earth are insulated from the chaos above, for the Earth is a great insulator and provides a protective shield all around us. We can be in contact with you, but cannot be contacted by negativity. It just can’t reach us. Our shield of protection is just too strong. We’ve woven a force field around us that is impenetrable to everything that is not of the Light. We are secure and safe inside the Earth for it is the only way we can exist and evolve.

When you achieve these peaceful living conditions, we can then emerge and welcome you into the Confederation of Planets, where you will be shown how to change your world back into Paradise.

(to be continued)

Σάββατο 10 Αυγούστου 2024

Feeling the Inner Body

From Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth”

Although body identification is one of the most basic forms of ego, the good news is that it is also the one that you can most easily go beyond. This is done not by trying to convince yourself that you are not your body, but by shifting your attention from the external form of your body and from thoughts about your body – beautiful, ugly, strong, weak, too fat, too thin – to the feeling of aliveness inside it. No matter what your body's appearance is on the outer level, beyond the outer form it is an intensely alive energy field.

If you are not familiar with “inner body” awareness, close your eyes for a moment and find out if there is life inside your hands. Don't ask your mind. It will say, “I can't feel anything”. Probably it will also say, “Give me something more interesting to think about.” So instead of asking your mind, go to the hands directly. By this I mean become aware of the subtle feeling of aliveness inside them. It is there. You just have to go there with your attention to notice it. You may get a slight tingling sensation at first, then a feeling of energy or aliveness. If you hold your attention in your hands for a while, the sense of aliveness will intensify. Some people won't even have to close their eyes. They will be able to feel their “inner hands” at the same time as they read this. Then go to your feet, keep your attention there for a minute or so, and begin to feel your hands and feet at the same time. Then incorporate other parts of the body – legs, arms, abdomen, chest, and so on – into that feeling until you are aware of the inner body as a global sense of aliveness.

What I call the “inner body” isn't really the body anymore but life energy, the bridge between form and formlessness. Make it a habit to feel the inner body as often as you can. After a while, you won't need to close your eyes anymore to feel it. For example, see if you can feel the inner body whenever you listen to someone. It almost seems like a paradox: When you are in touch with the inner body, you are not identified with your body anymore, nor are you identified with your mind. This is to say, you are no longer identified with form but moving away from form identification toward formlessness, which we may also call Being. It is your essence identity. Body awareness not only anchors you in the present moment, it is a doorway out of the prison that is the ego. It also strengthens the immune system and the body's ability to heal itself.

(to be continued)

Παρασκευή 9 Αυγούστου 2024

The European Euro 12-31-2001

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

We transmit to you directly from the Library of Porthologos, where many of us spend most of our time. Although our time frame differs from yours, we still tell time and arrange our schedules and days.

The Hollow Earth is rejoicing at the magnitude of the rise in Earth’s consciousness as witnessed by the announcement of the Euro on today’s news, bringing many European countries together as ONE. This is a great step for the surface population, leading to a United Earth World.

We in the Hollow Earth have one system for all of us, which keeps us unified in all areas of commerce and life. It is a big step taken, and many more countries will follow.

Confusion and Turmoil on the Surface

Your health is linked to your wealth. By this we mean your emotional health - your feeling body - for the healthier you “feel”, the clearer and purer your thoughts and feelings, the clearer your intentions will be. It is your intent that goes out into the Universal Fields of Light, and brings you back what you send out for. Every thought is a call, and every call has an answer. So attune yourselves to your thoughts and your feelings, and monitor what you are sending out. If you send out only what is positive, that is what you will receive.

This is a time of great confusion and turmoil on the surface, as people are being awakened by the string of events unfolding. Stay within your own center, go deep down, and feel only the calmness and tranquility that exists within you, and radiate this out to counteract the negativity and upheaval that is going on around you. This is your purpose; this is what it means to “Hold the Light”. It means you are holding the Light that ever exists within you, and choosing to reflect only the light, and not the confusion around you. So go within, and stay within, even as you are existing in all outward appearances. It is so simple, yet so profound.

In the Hollow Earth, we all live from our heart center and radiate only the tranquility within us. This tranquility permeates the whole cavity of the Earth and brings us the health and riches that surround us always. As surface folk begin to live from within their heart center, this purity and strength and peacefulness will permeate your physical bodies and surface conditions, and gently bring you the peace that abides within us and inside our Earth. This is our dream for you - and OUR DREAMS ALWAYS COME TRUE.

(to be continued)

Δευτέρα 5 Αυγούστου 2024

Identification with the body

From Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth”

Apart from objects, another basic form of identification is with “my” body. Firstly, the body is male or female, and so the sense of being a man or woman takes up a significant part of most people's sense of self. Gender becomes identity. Identification with gender is encouraged at an early age, and it forces you into a role, into conditioned patterns of behavior that affect all aspects of your life, not just sexuality. It is a role many people become completely trapped in, even more so in some of the traditional societies than in Western culture where identification with gender is beginning to lessen somewhat. In some traditional cultures, the worst fate a woman can have is to be unwed or barren, and for a man to lack sexual potency and not be able to produce children. Life's fulfillment is perceived to be fulfillment of one's gender identity.

In the West, it is the physical appearance of the body that contributes greatly to the sense of who you think you are: its strength or weakness, its perceived beauty or ugliness relative to others. For many people, their sense of self worth is intimately bound up with their physical strength, good looks, fitness, and external appearance. Many feel a diminished sense of self worth because they perceive their body as ugly or imperfect.

In some cases, the mental image or concept of “my body” is a complete distortion of reality. A young woman may think of herself as overweight and therefore starve herself when in fact she is quite thin. She cannot see her body anymore. All she “sees” is the mental concept of her body, which says “I am fat” or “I will become fat.” At the root of this condition lies identification with the mind. As people have become more and more mind identified, which is the intensification of egoic dysfunction, there has also been a dramatic increase in the incidence of anorexia in recent decades. If the sufferer could look at her body without the interfering judgments of her mind or even recognize those judgments for what they are instead of believing in them – or better still, if she could feel her body from within – this would initiate her healing.

Those who are identified with their good looks, physical strength, or abilities experience suffering when those attributes begin to fade and disappear, as of course they will. Their very identity that was based on them is then threatened with collapse. In either case, ugly or beautiful, people derive a significant part of their identity, be it negative or positive, from their body. To be more precise, they derive their identity from the I thought that they erroneously attach to the mental image or concept of their body, which after all is no more than a physical form that shares the destiny of all forms impermanence and ultimately decay.

Equating the physical sense-perceived body that is destined to grow old, wither, and die with “I” always leads to suffering sooner or later. To refrain from identifying with the body doesn't mean that you neglect, despise, or no longer care for it. If it is strong, beautiful, or vigorous, you can enjoy and appreciate those attributes – while they last. You can also improve the body's condition through right nutrition and exercise. If you don't' equate the body with who you are, when beauty fades, vigor diminishes, or the body becomes incapacitated, this will not affect your sense of worth or identity in any way. In fact, as the body begins to weaken, the formless dimension, the light of consciousness, can shine more easily through the fading form.

It is not just people with good or near perfect bodies who are likely to equate it with who they are. You can just as easily identify with a “problematic” body and make the body's imperfection, illness, or disability in to your identity. You may then think and speak of yourself as a “sufferer” of this or that chronic illness or disability. You receive a great deal of attention from doctors and others who constantly confirm to you your conceptual identity as a sufferer or a patient. You then unconsciously cling to the illness because it has become the most important part of who you perceive yourself to be. It has become another thought form with which the ego can identify. Once the ego has found an identity, it does not want to let go. Amazingly but not infrequently, the ego in search of a stronger identity can and does create illnesses in order to strengthen itself through them.

Σάββατο 3 Αυγούστου 2024

The powerful light forces are steadily moving toward victory

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 1 August 2024

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Even the acceleration mode is speeding up and that is increasing the sense of confusion and chaos, so let us begin on a note of absolute stability: In the continuum Earth’s people are joyful, healthy and prospering in a peaceful world, and in this moment of linear time, the light forces are overpowering pockets of darkness.

The power of love is spreading throughout your world, dear ones, and all you need to do is BE—be grateful, confident, optimistic and fearless! And, do please remember to breathe rhythmically.

“What will we be able to do when all 12 of our DNA strands are functioning? Do you know when that will happen?” It won’t be that the entire population suddenly has phenomenal new abilities, because everyone’s 12 DNA strands are functioning.

Reactivation of the 10 dormant strands will come in stages to individuals when two conditions are present: crystalline cellular structure, which contains cosmic knowledge, and absolute knowingness that all souls have the innate capacity to perform what now are considered miracles or magic. For example, if you unquestioningly believe you can walk through a brick wall, because you know it is energy vibrating at a specific frequency and you can adjust your frequency to the wall’s, you can indeed saunter or dash or leap through it. With less than absolute knowingness and trust, the perception of “solid” will let you smack headlong into the wall.

When all 12 DNA strands are activated, what no longer will happen is as profound as what you will be able to do. When you reach what many consider the prime of life, the 30-something years, you will remain at that state and older persons will start growing younger until they reach it, because the full complement of strands doesn’t include programming for aging into elder years or death. There is no programming for physical deformities, mental disease, temporary or chronic illness, allergic reactions, addictions, defective organs, decreased energy levels, loss of teeth or limbs, blindness, deafness or other sensory impairment. Life in 5th and higher densities has none of those conditions and all attitudes, ideologies and beliefs are aligned with souls’ divine sovereignty.

Capabilities that will emerge incrementally are your birthrights, ingredients of the love-light energy composition of the soul. These include telepathic communication, manifestation by focused thought, levitation, teleportation, dematerialization, astral travel and traveling at the speed of thought, remote viewing, and memories of the Beginnings in quantity and clarity. You will be able to grow new limbs, teeth, organs and bones to replace mechanical implants, dentures, and prosthetic devices. And, when you feel you have grown spiritually and consciously as far as life on Earth offers, you can dematerialize your body and materialize one that fits the advanced world where you chose to spend your next physical lifetime.

Of all the innate capabilities, telepathic communication often is the first to develop in an awakening population and be remembered by souls who volunteered to help them waken, so dear sisters and brothers, let us tell you—actually, remind you— how this communication works. When my mother and I started talking more than 30 years ago, she asked me to explain how she could hear me as clearly as if we were sitting side by side. This is what I told her:

It's an energy transfer. You "hear" my thoughts impressed upon your consciousness. The pulsing of my thoughts takes an actual form, a thought form, that makes an impression upon your clean, receptive brain waves. The energy source is light electrically switched to pulses that are transferred at your level into your word vibrations. The pulses don't start out as words, but as vibratory rates indicating intelligence blips. There is continuous interaction, but always my thoughts precede your comprehension. My thoughts trigger words stored in your memory, and my thoughts carry a coding for choice.

You don't interfere with my thought forms by thinking of appropriate words, Mother. I don't order up your words. You're responding to my pulsing by making them available for my use. I depend upon your words to fill in the grooves of my thought forms with sensible sentences that let you comprehend what I want to convey. I pulse my intent through thought impressions, and your energy, aided by your vocabulary, memory and conscious assistance, lets the words that best express my intent come to your mind. It seems to be simultaneous, but there is an infinitesimal lag. [An excerpt of “Communication with Earth” chapter in Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven.]

This means of communing, which can be by clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience or all of those, happens when the time is right for each person. The beginning may be thoughts you know are not your own or a “second” thought comes parallel to yours. You may start hearing a voice in your head or seeing recurring images in your mind’s eye, perhaps a ticker tape repeating a short message, or you may strongly sense an unseen benevolent presence.

If you are experiencing any of those signs or others that are unusual and you would like to initiate contact, you could write a note each morning to a person you would like to talk with. When a voice interrupts your thoughts, it could be that person; however, both light and dark beings are eager to connect with you. Everyone is protected by a light shield during communication with light beings, and we will offer guidance to help you reach only souls in the light.

Before trying to make contact, ask for protection of the Christed light. Christed has nothing to do with Christianity—it refers to the pure love-light energy essence of Creator, the most powerful force in the Cosmos. No formal prayer is necessary—use whatever words are comfortable as you demand that only light beings may talk with you.

Even with a protective prayer, certain circumstances invite base energies. In the beginning it is natural to think that the ‘voice in your head” may be your imagination and you seriously doubt that someone really is speaking to you. Doubt emits the low vibrations that attract dark entities, so feel as confident as you can that your connection is real.

We recommend that you tell the source to identify itself instead of asking, for instance, Is that you, Mandy? Most assuredly a dark entity will claim to be Mandy. If you feel uneasy about what you are hearing, say, “If you aren’t a light being, leave immediately” or something similar. If the speaker becomes profane or is evasive or irrational, end the conversation and delete your typed or written record. Like any other skill, telepathic conversing improves with practice—just be cautious and wise.

Never attempt to communicate when you are ill, tired, achy, angry, fearful or emotionally or mentally stressed—anything that is physically weakening or emotionally upsetting severely lowers, or fractures, your energy level. Light beings cannot lower their level to reach you and your low energy acts like a beacon for dark entities, which exist in low vibratory ranges. Feeling egotistical or prideful about being able to communicate telepathically absolutely will connect you with base entities, whereas feeling humble and grateful your ability has emerged emits the high vibrations that onnect only with spiritually evolved souls.

It is important to enter a conversation with an open mind and without expectations. Family and friends have a higher perspective of world events than when they were with you and they also are assimilating knowledge of other lifetimes, so they may speak about subjects that surprise you or they don’t mention things you felt quite certain they would. Please don’t expect to hear the voices you remember—telepathy is an energy exchange. Also, preconceptions about what someone will say let your thoughts bleed into the transmission and distort what the source is saying. Strong beliefs also override information being transmitted.

This universe is One Consciousness and conversations are as easy with persons in physical worlds as in spirit worlds. Talking with a dear one who has incarnated in a country or civilization with a language you don’t know will pose no problem at all. Inherent in telepathy is a translation mode that automatically converts all languages into the language of light, which is understood at soul level throughout this universe.

Beloved family, it will be a time of rejoicing when you talk with us and other unseen souls as naturally as you do with family, friends and coworkers on Earth. Still, the sound of voices always will be valuable and endearing, like hearing a baby’s first words or I love you. Speaking telepathically won’t replace that, but rather immeasurably add to it, and since telepathy is the transfer of thoughts, using words to mask what is in minds isn’t possible. But then, when this kind of communication is commonplace in your world, deception no longer will be part of life there.

We have been asked why former US president Barack Obama was willing to campaign for a man he surely must know is not Joseph Biden. The Obama seen publicly for the past few years is an AI clone that replaced the man who was acting as Barack’s double.

To start at the beginning, the Rockefellers head the vast formidable Illuminati faction in the United States and have long controlled both major political parties. Half the faction wanted Hillary Clinton to be Democratic Party presidential nominee in 2008, half wanted Barack Obama. When the latter became the party candidate, his backers told him Joe Biden would be his vice president, and when he won the election, they told him who to appoint to cabinet positions and the first was Hillary as Secretary of State.

Obama was both controlled and undermined by the Rockefeller bloc within and outside the government. As an example, his plan to make healthcare insurance available to citizens who didn’t qualify under existing systems upset old apple carts. The Affordable Care Act fell far short of what he wanted to offer—the only legislation Congress would enact was designed by lobbyists for the Illuminati-owned insurance and pharmaceutical industries.

After attempts to rig the 2012 election failed, individuals at the peak of that secret society looked ahead to Obama’s potential usefulness after his second term ended. The pedophile ring that became known as Pizzagate had come to light and a “name-blame” would be helpful if conspiracy theory didn’t deter persistent investigators. Illuminati minions made photos and films of Obama conducting satanic rites and composed blatantly false emails and other documents, added all of those to a detailed list of their unspeakable activities and implicated him as the mastermind. Along with finger-pointing as a possible use for that packet of material, the Illuminati located persons who closely resembled Barack and Michelle.

When he refused to cooperate with their lethal agenda for Covid-19, both Obamas were killed. Their doubles quietly stepped in and kept a low profile, the Obama daughters received dire threats and minor financial assistance, other threats were issued and any individual who couldn’t be bribed was replaced with a look-alike or died “naturally.” And, the peak Illuminati felt the time was right to leak the “secret” in the upper ranks that Barack was their leader.

The vile concocted material was forgotten when a new plan was devised when an actor started portraying Biden in 2021: AI clones of the Obamas would be produced and campaign for that imposter. Their popularity with voters and a stirring state of the union speech by the actor could defeat Donald Trump, the other presidential contender in this year’s election. Because the Illuminati cannot control Trump, it was essential to them that the Democrats retain power. After a deficient AI clone of Biden gave a poor presidential debate performance, “Biden” dropped out of the race and the emphasis of the Obama clones’ support was redirected.

There are other twists to this sad story about the spiritually evolved soul the highest universal council asked to incarnate as Barack Obama and serve as United States president. His many lifetimes as a wise and beloved leader in advanced civilizations could have benefitted that country and the world as the council and he himself envisioned, but he was prevented from doing anything progressive or benevolent.

The ten-year delay in Earth civilization’s advancement in conscious awareness that the council had anticipated put Obama in the presidency when divisiveness, bigotry, greed, deceit, corruption, violence, impoverishment and war mentality were rampant. The combination produced a massive quantity of the low vibrations that sustained the Illuminati’s very survival and they kept building on those destructive global situations.

Decades later, during the uprooting of the Rockefeller network in the USA, the blackmail materials were unearthed. In some circles that despicable information is considered ironclad evidence, and the man who had died several years before rather than participate in a diabolical plan to fake a pandemic is, today, reviled by some as a consummate evildoer. Only top level Illuminati or their portrayers know “Obama” has been a programmed clone for the past few years.

Readers also have asked about the shooting of Donald Trump at a rally last month. Although an exhaustive investigation ensued, which is natural, it remains to be seen if findings include that the rally speaker was a Trump look-a-like who agreed to play that risky role. We have heard that in some quarters there are speculations that the shooting was expected but allowed to happen to flush out the perpetrators and also to strengthen Trump’s image of bold leadership. What we can confirm is, after numerous previous assassination attempts also went awry, some time ago the person Donald Trump was convinced to stay safely out of public view.

Dear family, those aren’t political matters we have been speaking about. They are fairly recent incidents of the pervasive malevolence, depravity, deception and violence in the United States government that has affected the whole world for two centuries as one generation of entrenched Illuminati after another has caused wars, famines, disease, toxic pollution, impoverishment and destruction.

Ending that darkness on Earth requires God’s emissaries—White Hats, if you will, along with extraterrestrial special forces and intense light beamed from worlds afar—to eliminate the atrocious global empire. Aided by the high vibrations in the light of volunteers and growing godliness within the peoples, the powerful light forces are steadily moving toward victory. World transformation is well underway—this is a phenomenal time to live on Earth!***All light beings in this universe are cheering you all along your journey and supporting you with the power of unconditional love.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com