Τετάρτη 31 Αυγούστου 2011

The Ascension & Mother Earth

© copyright Ben-Arion

Ascension is the word for our entering to a higher vibration, also called dimension. It is not only we humans and our earth that goes through this – The whole cosmos is in this raise of vibration. 

Everything is connected and is thus affected. We will soon take a giant leap of consciousness, spiritual and technical. Mankind has been preparing itself for this for thousands of years. 

If something is being changed too fast and unexpected, it is easily being pushed away due to fear. That is why we have gotten the time we need, so that we in a balanced way can wake up to full consciousness and embrace the change in the best possible way. Mankind has lived too long inside restricted walls. It is time to open up and meet the world and the true reality, without lies and secrets. The message about the Galactic Federation and the presence of the Cosmic Civilization around our earth will be known globally through the media. When we least expect it!

Then the transformation to a galactic society will begin. A big help will be offered to mankind and everything will be ready and clear about what is about to happen and why. Space ships in the sky and people, beings from other civilizations will at first shock many, but as time goes, it will tie strong bonds and understanding that there is nothing to fear. The party has started! What many do not know is that the aliens already are among humans. They are from many star systems and planets. They are here on the same terms as everyone else, but with a mission to raise the consciousness of mankind. When enough consciousness is lifted up, the global awareness and changes are grounded.

Everything is energy and frequencies that spread. It is nothing new, most have known deep inside themselves that big changes are going to happen, but maybe not really known exactly what will happen. Maybe you wonder what happens on entering a higher dimension. There are many aspects to that question. It is a question of density. In higher dimensions flame and heavy vibrations like fear, hate etc do not exist. 

Our body will increase its quota for light. We will integrate our higher self and come to a full consciousness about who we are and who we have always been and much more. Everyone on this planet has free will. 

Perhaps not everyone will be ready to higher their vibration. Help and guidance will be offered for those who want to go further. Many do actually live in their last incarnation right now and came here for raising global consciousness for this happening. Some will return to their home planet or dimension, while others will choose to stay on earth to create a paradise in love. Changes will be huge. Nothing remains the same. Wars and current economical systems will disappear totally when the time comes. We will become a big whole Family and feel free about ourselves. The adventure will be eternal and amazingly uplifting!

Mother earth

Planet earth has a consciousness as we do and goes through her cycles of change. Our planet is preparing for the next level of our evolution. The planet and mankind are on their way to a higher frequency, a faster vibration. All of the old will transform, like a dog that shakes off its dirt. Mother earth waits peacefully to transform all negative energy that she has had to stand. She has waited long enough for us to awake. Now the time has come. 

The Earth surface, our inner selves, our bodies, minds and souls go through this change and have been doing that for many years. Catastrophes have united countries and made them help each other. We will come to the insight that we will help instead of fight each other. This is an alarm clock. All souls who have passed away in catastrophes chose to do so before they incarnated on this planet, to take us further in this plan to full consciousness. Love to all these souls! Nobody dies without a purpose. In the higher universal plan much good will come of this. It is hard to see, but we did not come here to believe in something better, we came here to know. 

We can feel sympathy and compassion, but we shall not be drowned in sorrow, our mission is to go straight forward and keep the faith for a better world. It´s time to think with the heart. We will see more revolutionary things, not only grief but also magical things that we now are ready to receive. Hold on, the journey to a full consciousness has only begun. Everything is exactly as it should be, and everyone has their role in this awakening. Sadly enough, the role of some is to leave their bodies and go further as that soul has chosen before it incarnated. This is sad as we see it, because we have feelings. Their physical death is not in vain. It has made our world to see deeper and grab hold of things, once for all. And more is about to come! Contact with our Cosmic friends, as it has been said. A time will come when they show themselves openly and guide us to a right direction, never by assaulting us. 


Read more: http://www.cosmicnature.net/spiritual-awakening09.html#ixzz1Wb1Tx397

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