Κυριακή 14 Αυγούστου 2011

There Is No Need For The Fear, For All Is Perfect

Galactic Federation Of Light, Archangel Michael, 12 August 2011

I am Archangel Michael and I come to you with messages from the angelic realms at this time. Many of you are struggling and trying to run to stand still and we guide you all to be aware of this and to step back from the struggle. Many are now finding it difficult to see a way forward and this has resulted in a lot of fear and anxiety sweeping across the world, we are here to assure you dearest ones that there is no need for the fear, for all is perfect. 

We understand that in human form these may be difficult words to hear for how can the world be perfect if there are riots and mass uprisings happening and we guide you all to detach from the illusion of what appears to be happening. The new way of living is now here dearest one and it is important to realise that the new world is about how you FEEL. Many of you carry deep wounds within your hearts and are not able to step into the heart to live your life. We guide you to allow the angelic realms to assist with the removal of these wounds. 

My blue cloak of protection is available to each and every one of you at this time. Many now are faced with no longer working in the job they have done for years or are faced with moving home or leaving a partner. Know dearest ones that these changes are to allow you to expand and grow and living your life from your heart will insure that you live in TRUTH. This may be difficult for those who are feeling lost at this moment, for many are now living their TRUTH and finding that friends and relations have now distanced themselves from them. Know this is part of the expansion dearest ones and it does not mean that you have lost them. You are moving into YOUR TRUTH and there is some adjustment to this. For many it will be the realisation that those whom you called “friend” were not in TRUTH.

Σουάμι Σεβαράτνα
Yogaspirit, Λαοδίκης 34, Γλυφάδα, Τηλ.: 210 - 96 81 793

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