Δευτέρα 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

Food and Elements of Nature

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

Our Earth Gives All Life A Home To Evolve On

Greetings from the Hollow Earth! I am Mikos, speaking to you from my office in the Libraryof Porthologos, situated inside the Earth beneath the Aegean Sea. Today we will talk about our Earth, our dear planet that gives all life a home to evolve on. Know that your home is also the home of countless other species that depend upon it for shelter, food and a place to live. Your corporations act as if the land belongs to them alone, with no regard for other life forms. Space on Earth is designated for all species to share equally, for all are here to evolve their souls and all are here to enjoy their life spans. As this is especially true for humans, all other species have come to help and bolster the life of humans by giving them oxygen, food and clothing. All you have, is being given to you as gifts from other species. The trees give you oxygen, the animals give you clothing, and the crops give you food. All of these are live, conscious beings, here in service to Earth and to all life forms. Trees, animals, crops, plants, Cetaceans and all ocean life, all need their habitats kept intact in order for them to survive and evolve, just as humans need their homes to live in to carry on their lives.

It is a travesty to destroy the natural habitats of other living beings just to pave more roads, make more shopping centers, and erect more suburban tract homes. By cutting down trees and moving animals out of their homes, you destroy their lives, thereby endangering yours. For in order for all life to evolve, there must be an ecological balance on Earth. Humans have destroyed this delicate ecological balance, thinking only of themselves and not honoring the right of other life forms to claim their inheritance and their share of land and resources on Earth. This pushing off, and moving out, of other species is causing a severe imbalance to the Earth, which is leading to the devastation of flora and fauna, and ultimately to the destruction of all life everywhere.

For all life is interdependent and intricately interconnected. What happens to one happens to all; and mankind is now waking up and starting to realize this interconnectedness.

We, here in the Hollow Earth, have learned this many eons ago, and base our life on this connection to all life everywhere. This is also your connection to God. For once you realize your connection to all life, you automatically are reconnected to God, the Source of All That Is. And it is this connection that will evolve your soul and move you into your ascension. When all mankind awake to their connection to all other life, they suddenly find themselves connected to God and their trip home begins.

We have already made this trip, and find ourselves secure in the ‘Garden of Eden’ inside Earth. Paradise is the destination of your trip too, and many are now living lives of joy and abundance right here on the surface of Earth. You really don’t have to go anywhere to enjoy your life fully. You just have to make your ‘connection in’ and everything you ever dreamed of will come to you effortlessly. For this is the way life was intended to be.

Here in the Hollow Earth, we watch and pray and send our Love to you daily. We encourage you to connect in consciousness with us, for through your connection we can send you our energy to energize your body and feed your spirit.

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