Δευτέρα 9 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

Our Inner Earth Oceans are Sanctuaries to all Marine Life

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

The Inner Earth’s Oceans contain all of the life that’s in the upper oceans, and more. Our oceans are teeming with life, and all of the marine forms live in harmony with one another.

All are on a vegetarian diet and do not hunt others. All live in harmony. All the marine life is very evolved compared to the life in the surface oceans. All are used to the peace and safety of our waters, and all are accessible to us. We all communicate directly to the Cetaceans and fish, and live cooperatively and in peace with one another.

Since we are all on a vegetarian diet, we don’t hunt the Whales, go fishing or farm shrimp. Therefore, Mother Nature is free to evolve in our oceans and our oceans are sanctuaries to all ocean life. We just call to whomever we want to talk to, and they swim to our shores and converse with us. It would seem truly magical to you, but to us it is commonplace. Remember, all of us in the Hollow Earth know we are ONE.

There are numerous underwater caverns, where we go ‘scuba’ diving and explore the intricacies and complexities of life beneath the oceans. There are so many different kinds of organisms and plants and corals that are hidden in the ocean caverns that are beauteous to see. We love to dive and swim, explore and commune with the nature elementals in the oceans. There’s a whole other civilization beneath our seas that we live in peace and cooperative partnership with. How wonderful to exist in a climate of peaceful exchange that we have forged beneath the Earth.

Your surface whales and dolphins sometimes swim through the underground ocean tunnels to visit and commune with us. They stay a short while and then return to the surface. They wish they could stay longer, but know their mission is above ground, and hesitatingly leave for the great swim upwards.

(to be continued)

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