Τετάρτη 4 Μαΐου 2011

The Essence Of The 'Phase' Phenomenon

by Michael Raduga Founder of the School of Out-of-Body Travel
The term phase state (or simply phase) encom-passes a number of widely known dissociative phenomena, many of which are referred to by various terms, such as astral or out-of-body experience. This concept also includes the more pragmatic term lucid dreaming, but does not always exist in the sense and form implied by that expression. Hence, the term phase has been introduced to ease the study of phenomena that exist beyond habitual – and often unfair - associations and stereotypes. The term out-of-body experience is accurate to the extent that it describes the sensation felt by a person experiencing the phase phenomenon.

A phase has two primary attributes: 1) practitioners possess full, conscious awareness during the experience, and 2) practitioners recognize a genuine separation from the physical body.

Simultaneously, the degree to which practitioners perceive the phase environment affects the level of sensory experiences therein, which often occur in a higher form than the sensory experiences of wakefulness. This concept is difficult to imagine without firsthand experience of the phase. And so, it is not without reason that this practice is considered to be a higher state of self-hypnosis or meditation, and is often referred to under different names as the highest possible human achievement in various religious and mystical movements (yoga, Buddhism, etc.).

In essence, the phase is an unexplored state of mind where one is unable to control and feel his physical body. Instead, his space perception is filled with realistic phantom experiences.

Interesting Fact!
Sensations in the phase state can be so realistic that practitioners who unintentionally enter phase often believe they are still in the physical body, that the experience is occurring in the waking state. These types of unintended excursions most often occur at night or early in the morning.

It is believed that up to one quarter of the human population has encountered this phenomenon. However, if variations and different degrees of intensity of the state are taken into consideration, it may be safely assumed that everyone has encountered the phase. Since the phase is a rare subject of study, many who inadvertently enter it do not realize what has taken place once they return to wakefulness. Many do not assign any significance to the occurrence of a phase environment that is not fully formed because shallow phases don’t leave the same jolting impression as deep states. Elusive as the phase may seem, this is an extremely common phenomenon, accessible to anyone willing to consciously learn and apply the correct methods of achieving and maintaining the phase. 

Why Enter The Phase?
Such a question can only arise from not fully understanding the properties of the phenomenon and its nature. When one suddenly understands at a certain moment that he is just as real as he normally is, and is standing somewhere that is not in the physical world with his same hands and body, and can touch everything around him and discern fine details, such much emotion stirs up inside him that no questions arise at all. This is the most amazing experience that a person can attain!

The initial phase encounter is always jolting and sometimes frightening. Depending on the individual, fear experienced during initial encounters with the phase occurs in about one-third of all cases. Even veteran practitioners encounter fear, which speaks to the profound nature of the phase state.

With time, as rapture ebbs and emotions wane, thoughts turn from the fact of the phenomenon itself towards how to somehow use it. And here, a fantastically diverse field of practical application opens up before the practitioner. These applications – which this book communicates – are not to be associated with the many unproven and dubious methods often described in sundry esoteric literature. The information presented herein is verifiable, practical, and attainable.

Whatever the nature of the phase - a state of mind, or perhaps an external experience - this is the sole opportunity to: visit any part of the world or universe; see people who are out-of-reach in real life, including relatives, the deceased, celebrities, and various creatures; communicate with the enormous resources of the subconscious mind and obtain information from it; realize desires that are unattainable in real life; model artistic productions; influence physiology, and more. These are not dull experiences. They are eminently personal and real.

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