Τετάρτη 10 Ιουλίου 2024

Evolution is the Solution, 9-11-2001

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

911 was Emergency Call for Help

Now we will talk about the World Trade Center and the atrocities of 9-11-2001. As you can see, 911 is the emergency number for help. On this date was a call for help from the people of the world against all terrorists. This emergency call was a shout to heaven, and all in our galaxy and beyond heard your cries for help. It was a grand unification of souls, unified in your distress and pain, and calling to God for help and for freedom from tyranny.

Your people are united on the soul level, each one wanting peace to be able to live out your life in freedom. There was a great divine response to the tragedy. This was not a set back for the Light, but instead, a grand opening for us to become part of your conscious life and to intervene even more in the affairs of Earth to bring the peace you all strive for.

Out of every tragedy comes a grand awakening, and millions more have awakened to the Light as a result of this. The dark forces are actually working for us when they scheme to perpetrate such he inous acts of violence. It wakes people from their comfort zones of slumber and they start calling on God at last and reconnect their phone line to the Divine Creator of ALL.

So look at this as another step that humanity has taken towards the Light that reaches you all from heaven. For once humanity connects again to the Light, it will flow forth to the Earth like a waterfall rushes to the ground, bathing all and soaking you through to your core with Light. It is an immersion into Light - just as Jesus baptized souls by immersing them in water – this has the same effect.

Pray for Peace. It is only through your prayers that we can intervene more fully to bring our whole planet into the Light. We pray along with you. We are part of you. We are one soul divided by the different strata of Earth, but all living the same life. Whatever happens to one, happens to us all, only on levels you are just now comprehending.

It is Fall now on your surface, and all is dying for the Earth is gearing for her rebirth into Light. Just as the Fall changes to Winter, and Winter to Spring, your hearts are going through a rebirthing process that is carrying you speedily into the photon belt of Light. You will be ready for the merger and will rejoice at the impact when suddenly you find yourself illuminated and seeing the world around you through the eyes of God. It will be a speedy delivery into Light - and, yes, you will find us there, waiting for you as we always have. 

(to be continued)

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