Τετάρτη 31 Ιουλίου 2024

Harmonizing the Physical, Emotional, Mental Bodies

Message from Archangel Michael by EraOfLight for 25 March 2024 (channel:Ronna Vezane)

The three planes of higher consciousness evolve as follows:

✔ The bridge to higher consciousness is the heart chakra.

✔ The emotional body senses evolve via the soul/sacred heart center.

✔ The mental body consciousness evolves via the sacred Mind and soul consciousness.

✔ Spiritual awareness becomes the third component via the soul, and the current resident, oversoul/higher self.

Beloved masters, when you are attuned to the mid-Fourth-Dimensional frequencies of Light, you relinquish the idea of being human as you have known it in the past. It is a time of the emergence of your Soul Consciousness as you allow it to become the reigning influence within your life.

This means you begin to listen to the wisdom of your Body Elemental and the signals it sends as to what is appropriate for your physical and emotional well-being. Your DNA and the cells of your body begin to integrate the higher frequencies of Light, and gradually, you begin to vibrate and attune to the refined energy of the New Age.

This period of the transformation process could be likened to a death of your old self-consciousness, which is really the process of removing the veils of illusion. As you integrate each new level of your OverSoul/Higher Self, you absorb the wisdom and illumination of that Facet of your vaster Being.

You are in the process of shedding the multiple layers of density, which you have absorbed within your Auric Field down through the many ages of earthly experience. The saying ‘the Light shall set you free’ is a true statement, for the Light is dissolving the layers upon layers of negativity that you have carried for such a very long time.

You begin to function within an auric field of refined Light of your own creation as you turn inward, and learn to stay focused and centered within your Sacred Heart in the power of the NOW moment. Over time, you, as Light Transformers, begin to draw forth and integrate the maximum amount of Adamantine Particles of Creator Light, and you then consciously radiate forth the remainder out to humanity and to the world.

When you achieve a certain level of harmony within, you open the physical body gateways or portals to the higher Dimensions: the Ascension Chakra or the Medulla Oblongata, and the Vagus Nerve at the base of the skull, and also the back portal of your Sacred Heart and your Sacred Mind.***These are major steps in the Ascension process. When this process is complete, you are well on your way to gaining access to the first Sub-Level of the Fifth Dimension, where your entry-level Sacred Triad is waiting to welcome you.

The Adam / Eve Kadmon Body is your original individualized Seed Atom God-Self in a fully conscious Light Body form, created by the Elohim (Lords of Light/Builders of Form) as the archetype of humanity. The Adam Kadmon embodies the original complete Divine and spiritual nature of man/woman.

It is not the same as your personal OverSoul Body of Light, which is evolving towards divine consciousness. Your Higher Selves, your Spiritual/Oversoul Body, and your Sacred Triads are refracted Facets of your God Self, your original Light Body.

The Kadmon Light Body has the ability to take on any form necessary to create and experience all forms of Creation in your Father/Mother God’s plan for this Universe. The Adam/Eve Kadmon is a spiritual-physical creation, which incarnates in the planetary worlds during all cycles of Divine Creation.

Physical Body: In the beginning awakening process, there is a desire to turn inward and to listen to the Inner wisdom of the Soul. This Soul awareness includes your Body Elemental, the Memory Seed Atom which contains the perfect blueprint for your original Adam/Eve Kadmon Light Form.

Emotional Body: First, you become aware that your emotions control you through your wants, needs and desires, which in the long run do not bring you a sense of happiness or satisfaction. You begin to turn inward and question your life choices, asking what have resulted from your actions. You begin to seek answers for the pain and dissatisfaction in your life.

The voice of your Superconscious mind becomes stronger as you gradually take heed and follow your Soul’s guidance. As you become comfortable, and begin to rely on this voice of higher wisdom, the ego-desire body gradually relinquishes control, and the Soul-Self becomes the director and guiding influence in your life. You begin to align your will with the Will of your Higher Self, for you have gradually learned to trust the inspirational and intuitive thoughts from your Sacred Mind.

Eventually, you begin to view all interactive events in your life from a higher vantage point. You develop Emotional Detachment through a more refined view of human interactions. Having experienced most of the important tests of the emotions, you develop a better understanding of the human emotional nature.

3Again, you learn to go with the flow, and you view your tests and challenges as gifts and opportunities for growth. You have learned to make peace with the past, and to script your future, as you endeavor to live and focus on the NOW moment. Gradually, over time, the vibrational patterns of the Emotional Body are lifted above the magnetic pull of the physical realm.

Mental Body: You begin to realize the limitations of your subconscious and conscious minds, and you see how rigid, limited and stuck you have been in the mass consciousness belief structure. You willingly begin a self-analysis process, whereby you reevaluate your attitudes, judgment and programmed concepts.

You begin to feel a burning desire to expand your knowledge beyond your physical reality, as you seek to learn why you are here on Earth, and the greater meaning of life. Your instinctive mind gives way to your higher intellectual mind, and gradually you gain access to your .Sacred/Intuitive Mind.

As your Soul-Self becomes the Director of your destiny, your life begins to change dramatically for the better; then faith and trust become an inborn certainty that all is happening in Divine order. You also know with certainty that you are on an upward spiraling path to a more refined, harmonious and loving reality. All you have to do is stay in the moment, and take one step at a time as the WAY is opened before you.

I am Archangel Michael..

Κυριακή 28 Ιουλίου 2024

We Monitor the Milky Way Galaxy

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

Pay no heed to the outbursts of negativity and hostile warfare - they are like a naughty child, just having an outburst that soon subsides into calmness and peace.

We in the Hollow Earth monitor your whole Earth and the whole Milky Way Galaxy. We have our amino-based computers that show us everything that is happening everywhere in our Galaxy and Universe and, of course, on Earth’s surface. This is one of our “jobs”, to keep track of everything simultaneously, and to plug the Confederation of Planets into the trouble spots on Earth as they occur.

Another war on Earth must not be tolerated. This is the End Times - the end of war, the end of hate, negativity, anger, jealousy, competition, and fear.

Sleeping Giants of Yore

We speak to you from the fabled Library of Porthologos inside the Earth, but a step away from you in consciousness. You reach us by stepping down in your thoughts and, extending yourself and your imagination into our library, looking around, and “seeing” us. We stand there waiting for your entry.

Today we will talk about the Sleeping Giants from your folklore. These giants are Beings from the Hollow Earth who took residence on the surface thousands of years ago. In your folklore, you speak of them as sleeping for hundreds of years, and then awakening to find themselves in another time zone. Yes, they traveled from inside the Earth and lived on your surface for hundreds and thousands of years, studying humanity’s surface population and then returning inside to report their findings. They did grow long beards, and many stories were written about them and their Herculean feats on the surface.

Know that Earth is populated with many different Beings from many different star systems, all here for the same purpose - to grow and evolve in consciousness, and to understand how humans evolve. The surface is a testing ground and experimenting station for growth and evolvement. The first four letters in “evolvement” are “love” spelled backwards. It is through love that you evolve. It is so simple - and yet it still eludes so many surface dwellers. Love is the glue - and it is through you, each and every one of you, that your world moves into higher states of consciousness, and it’s all through love - love of yourself and love for your “other” selves. As you all come together in greater harmony and unity, you will feel yourselves and your reality shifting into higher vibrations of love and peacefulness, and you will gingerly step into the higher dimensions where you will begin to feel and see us. We are in these higher dimensions. For even as we reside “below” you, we are beside you. This is how “oneness” manifests.

Your world is rapidly changing and waking up, due in large part to the shock of the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001. This was a world emergency wake-up call, perpetrated by the dark forces in an attempt to wake you up to their presence. They have delved so deep into darkness that they have gone full circle and are now circling back into Light, and their terror is shocking people into their wake-up zone, affecting them in a polarity opposite of the dark’s intention. The sleeping masses are finally being shocked into awakening to who they are - like the Sleeping Giants of yore.

You are all the Sleeping Giants who came to Earth’s surface and fell into a great sleep – and who are finally awakening to what is being perpetrated on the surface. You’ve been caught in a great lie, believing everything the newspapers and media tell you, and never questioning the news source from whence it comes. Well, it all comes from the same one source – your government-controlled media - one viewpoint, theirs, which they program into your belief system.

As people awaken from their deep slumber of the ages, they begin to question and this is the awakening period. Soon you will all jump out of your beds and stand free with us in the higher realms of consciousness. Your Cetacean brothers and sisters wait for you there, too.

We have great monitors in the Library of Porthologos where we view surface conditions and follow your earthly lives. Nothing surprises us anymore, as we’ve seen it all, history repeating itself over and over again. But now we see something different - through the repetition of events - we see humanity waking up and remembering that there’s more than war and strife and struggle and lack and limitation. They are remembering the Divine within them and this remembrance is the awakening. REMEMBER AND AWAKEN.

Once a critical mass of people is awakened, you will all float into higher consciousness instantly and the past will be a dream. We wait for you at the gates of your consciousness, and as the floodgates open, the waves of Light will carry you through. As Lightworkers, you have all prepared for this for eons, and now it is here.

(to be continued)

Τετάρτη 24 Ιουλίου 2024

Wanting: The Need for More

From Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth”

The ego identifies with having, but its satisfaction in having is a relatively shallow and short lived one. Concealed within it remains a deep seated sense of dissatisfaction, of incompleteness, of “not enough.” “I don't have enough yet,” by which the ego really means, “I am not enough yet.”

As we have seen, having – the concept of ownership – is a fiction created by the ego to give itself solidity and permanency and make itself stand out, make itself special. Since you cannot find yourself through having, however, there is another more powerful drive underneath it that pertains to the structure of the ego: the need for more, which we could also call “wanting.” No ego can last for long without the need for more. Therefore, wanting keeps the ego alive much more than having. The ego wants to want more than it wants to have. And so the shallow satisfaction of having is always replaced by more wanting. This is the psychological need for more, that is to say, more things to identify with. It is an addictive need, not an authentic one.

In some cases, the psychological need for more or the feeling of not enough that is so characteristic of the ego becomes transferred to the physical level and so turns into insatiable hunger. The sufferers of bulimia will often make themselves vomit so they can continue eating. Their mind is hungry, not their body. This eating disorder would become healed if the sufferers, instead of being identified with their mind, could get in touch with their body and so feel the true needs of the body rather than the pseudo needs of the egoic mind.

Some egos know what they want and pursue their aim with grim and ruthless determination – Genghis Khan, Stalin, Hitler, to give just a few larger than life examples. The energy behind their wanting, however, creates an opposing energy of equal intensity that in the end leads to their downfall. in the meantime, they make themselves and many others unhappy, or, in the larger than life examples, create hell on earth. Most egos have conflicting wants. They want different things at different times or may not even know what they want except that they don't want what is: the present moment. Unease, restlessness, boredom, anxiety, dissatisfaction are the result of unfulfilled wanting. Wanting is structural, so no amount of content can provide lasting fulfillment as long as that mental structure remains in place. Intense wanting that has no specific object can often be found in the still developing ego of teenagers, some of whom are in a permanent state of negativity and dissatisfaction.

The physical needs for food, water, shelter, clothing, and basic comforts could be easily met for all humans on the planet, were it not for the imbalance of resources created by the insane and rapacious need for more, the greed of the ego. It finds collective expression in the economic structures of this world, such as the huge corporations, which are egoic entities that compete with each other for more. Their only blind aim is profit. They pursue that aim with absolute ruthlessness. Nature, animals, people, even their own employees, are no more than digits on a balance sheet, lifeless objects to be used, then discarded.

The thought forms of “me” and “mine,” of “more than,” of “I want,” “I need,” “I must have,” and of “not enough” pertain not to content but to the structure of the ego. The content is interchangeable. As long as you don't recognize those thought forms within yourself, as long as they remain unconscious, you will believe in what they say; you will be condemned to acting out those unconscious thoughts, condemned to seeking and not finding – because when those thought forms operate, no possession, place, person, or condition will ever satisfy you. No content will satisfy you, as long as the egoic structure remains in place. No matter what you have or get, you won't be happy. You will always be looking for something else that promises greater fulfillment, that promises to make your incomplete sense of self complete and fill that sense of lack you feel within.

(to be continued)

Κυριακή 21 Ιουλίου 2024

World Trade Center Inner Planes Electoral Vote

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

Today the Earth is relatively quiet as humanity contemplates the events of the past week. Although this was a heinous act and atrocity against mankind, it was not accidental. Those ones who chose to be there at that time had already chosen to leave the Earth and continue their ascension from the other side of the veil. They just left sooner than they normally would have - but not that much sooner. No one is caught in a catastrophe who has not chosen it on their subconscious level. Remember that there are no accidents - regardless of the magnitude of the incident - and this is no exception.

Now we will speak of the brother and sisterhood that prevail in the wake of this tragedy. This tragedy had welded people together - communities all over the Earth - in an embrace of love and unity and brotherhood. It has closed the gap of separation between peoples, showing that you are all involved in the same struggle of life and death, and showing that you are all one in the face of calamity, that you all share the same feelings and same hopes, and mainly that you all share the same prayers for your lost ones. This sameness is a big factor that has melded large groups of people together in a way that your past complacency could not.

We implore you to keep vigilant and to know beyond a doubt that the God you pray to hears every thought, every word, every gesture - and knows that the majority of people on Earth call for peace and justice in their hearts. And we mean justice - not vengeance nor retaliation - but justice heretofore not known in these past centuries.

These events of the past week have not hindered Earth’s or humanity’s ascension plan, but rather, have unified humanity to such an extent that in actuality the ascension has been furthered and heightened and quickened - although you who live in 3rd dimensional bodies cannot as yet fathom this. But soon you will see how this has enabled the ascension to go forth even more quickly, as the waves have snapped up even more and more people as a result of their abrupt awakening in the face of this immense tragedy and loss of lives.

Remember that God’s Light never fails and that the Divine Plan for Earth is more intact than ever, and, more than ever, is now the time for all the Lightworkers to trust in the Divine Plan for the ascension of Earth and humanity. For the Light never gives up nor relinquishes its position. It may recede a bit, then comes back mightier in force and mightier in its resolve to move humanity up the scale of evolution to where these tragedies no longer can occur.

So you see, all is well on Earth and all is going according to Divine Plan. And what seems like a setback is really a speeding up of your ascension, if you look deeper into the overall picture.

This has resulted in a vast awakening and a reversal that dark forces had not anticipated. These terrorist tragedies do not fragment people. Rather, they unify them in their resolve to find peace on Earth. The hell that the darkness wants to promote lies inside those individuals who perpetrate these events, and as long as people do not buy into that reality of darkness, then peace and Heaven on Earth will prevail. Even though many millions of American people want revenge, no one wants war on American soil, and deep down in people’s heart spaces, all cry for peace on Earth and justice to prevail. In fact, all humanity that is constructive to life - and this is the vast majority of people on Earth - all want peace and love to prevail.

This is the call we all hear under the Earth and in the higher dimensions. The call for peace is so loud that it deafens everything else out. These calls are speeding up the ascension plan as nothing else could have, because when angry people call for revenge, they are exhibiting their hurts and scars from their past, but when interviewed on the Inner Planes at night, they all, with very few exceptions, choose peace.

So this is the vote we go by - the Inner Planes Electoral Vote - where all vote for peace without ballot tampering. It is the true vote and only vote that prevails. So rest assured that all is going according to Divine Will and that humanity will, indeed, ascend even sooner now.

You are the showcase of the Universe and you are surmounting and surpassing all obstacles being put in your way, and there will be more to come. For the dark is not done nor have they, as yet, given up. They will strike again, trying to thwart your passage into Light. But they will fail, as the resolve of the Lightworkers is too great and humanity is responding to the Light, not the dark.

Know that your world is safe. This drama will play itself out until there are only the «light» players left, as all the dark players will have vacated the premises and exited the stage. Their darkness will be gone and only the Light will prevail. Know that our hearts are filled with love for humanity, and as we watch the scenario from below, we feel your sadness and hear your calls for peace. We join our hearts with yours, magnifying your voices for peace on Earth. Our foresight protects us underground, for we do not act without weighing the outcome of our actions or without seeing the possible future consequences. Some day you will have this foresight, this vision to see the future based on your choices before you make them. Always opt for peace and love, and your future will always bring it to you. What you choose is what you get.

So we down in the Hollow Earth give you our strength and stand with you in your resolve to bring all humanity into the Light, so that we, as one planet united in the Love of God, can finally ascend as a whole and move on to our destiny of Galactic Unity and Galactic Ascension for the whole Galaxy.

(to be continued)

Σάββατο 20 Ιουλίου 2024

The Illusion of Ownership

From Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth”

To “own” something – what does it really mean? What does it mean to make something “mine”? If you stand on a street in New York, point to a huge skyscraper  and say, “That building 12pt; is mine. I own it,” you are either very wealthy or you are delusional or a liar. In any case, you are telling a story in which the thought form “I” and the thought form “building” merge into one. That’s how the mental concept of ownership works. If everybody agrees with your story, there will be signed pieces of paper to certify their agreement with it. You are wealthy. If nobody agrees with the story, they will send you to a psychiatrist. You are delusional, or a compulsive liar.

It is important to recognize here that the story and the thought forms that make up the story, whether people agree with it or not, have absolutely nothing to do with who you are. Even if people agree with it, it is ultimately a fiction. Many people don’t realize until they are on their deathbed and everything external falls away that nothing ever had anything to do with who they are. In the proximity of death, the whole concept of ownership stands revealed as ultimately meaningless. In the last moments of their life, they then also realize that while they were looking throughout their lives for a more complete sense of self, what they were really looking for, their Being, had actually always already been there, but had been largely obscured by their identification with things, which ultimately means identification with their mind.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit,” Jesus said, “for theirs will be the kingdom of heaven.” What does “poor in spirit” mean? No inner baggage, no identifications. Not with things, nor with any mental concepts that have a sense of self in them. And what is the “kingdom of heaven” The simple but profound joy of Being that is there when you let of of identifications and so become “poor in spirit.”

This is why renouncing all possessions has been an ancient spiritual practice in both East and West. Renunciation of possessions, however, will not automatically free you of the ego. It will attempt to ensure its survival by finding something else to identify with, for example, a mental image of yourself as someone who has transcended all interest in material possessions and is therefore superior, is more spiritual than others. There are people who have renounced all possessions but have a bigger ego than some millionaires. If you take away one kind of identification, the ego will quickly find another. It ultimately doesn’t mind what it identifies with as long as it has an identity. Anti consumerism or anti private ownership would be another thought form, another mental position, that can replace identification with possessions. Through it you could make yourself right and others wrong. As we shall see later, making yourself right and others wrong is one of the principal egoic mind patterns, one of the main forms of unconsciousness. In other words, the content of the ego may change; the mind structure that keeps it alive does not.

One of the unconscious assumptions is that by identifying with an object through the fiction of ownership, the apparent solidity and permanency of that material object will endow your sense of self with greater solidity and permanency. This applies particularly to buildings and even more so to land, since it is the only thing you think you can own that cannot be destroyed. The absurdity of owning something becomes even more apparent in the case of land. In the days of the ‘white settlement’, the natives of North America found ownership of land an incomprehensible concept. And so they lost it when the Europeans made them signs pieces of paper that were equally incomprehensible to them. They felt they belonged to the land, but the land did not belong to them.

The ego tends to equate having with Being: I have, therefore I am. And the more I have, the more I am. The ego lives through comparison. How you are seen by others turns into how you see yourself. If everyone lived in a mansion or everyone was wealthy, your mansion or your wealth would no longer serve to enhance your sense of self. You could then move to a simple cabin, give up your wealth, and regain an identity by seeing yourself and being seen as more spiritual than others. How you are seen by others becomes the mirror that tells you what you are like and who you are. The ego’s sense of self worth is in most cases bound up with the worth you have in the eyes of others. You need others to give you a sense of self, and if you live in a culture that to a large extent equates self worth with how much and what you have, if you cannot look through this collective delusion, you will be condemned to chasing after things for the rest of your life in the vain hope of finding your worth and completion of your sense of self there.

How do you let go of attachment to things? Don’t even try. It’s impossible. Attachment to things drops away by itself when you no longer seek to find yourself in them. In the meantime, just be aware of your attachment to things. Sometimes you may not know that you are attached to something, which is to say, until you lose it or there is the threat of loss. If you then become upset, anxious, and so on, it means you are attached. If you are aware that you are identified with a thing, the identification is no longer total. “I am the awareness that is aware that there is attachment.” That’s the beginning of the transformation of consciousness.

(to be continued)

Τετάρτη 10 Ιουλίου 2024

Evolution is the Solution, 9-11-2001

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

911 was Emergency Call for Help

Now we will talk about the World Trade Center and the atrocities of 9-11-2001. As you can see, 911 is the emergency number for help. On this date was a call for help from the people of the world against all terrorists. This emergency call was a shout to heaven, and all in our galaxy and beyond heard your cries for help. It was a grand unification of souls, unified in your distress and pain, and calling to God for help and for freedom from tyranny.

Your people are united on the soul level, each one wanting peace to be able to live out your life in freedom. There was a great divine response to the tragedy. This was not a set back for the Light, but instead, a grand opening for us to become part of your conscious life and to intervene even more in the affairs of Earth to bring the peace you all strive for.

Out of every tragedy comes a grand awakening, and millions more have awakened to the Light as a result of this. The dark forces are actually working for us when they scheme to perpetrate such he inous acts of violence. It wakes people from their comfort zones of slumber and they start calling on God at last and reconnect their phone line to the Divine Creator of ALL.

So look at this as another step that humanity has taken towards the Light that reaches you all from heaven. For once humanity connects again to the Light, it will flow forth to the Earth like a waterfall rushes to the ground, bathing all and soaking you through to your core with Light. It is an immersion into Light - just as Jesus baptized souls by immersing them in water – this has the same effect.

Pray for Peace. It is only through your prayers that we can intervene more fully to bring our whole planet into the Light. We pray along with you. We are part of you. We are one soul divided by the different strata of Earth, but all living the same life. Whatever happens to one, happens to us all, only on levels you are just now comprehending.

It is Fall now on your surface, and all is dying for the Earth is gearing for her rebirth into Light. Just as the Fall changes to Winter, and Winter to Spring, your hearts are going through a rebirthing process that is carrying you speedily into the photon belt of Light. You will be ready for the merger and will rejoice at the impact when suddenly you find yourself illuminated and seeing the world around you through the eyes of God. It will be a speedy delivery into Light - and, yes, you will find us there, waiting for you as we always have. 

(to be continued)

Σάββατο 6 Ιουλίου 2024

The Lost Ring

From Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth”

When I was seeing people as a counselor and spiritual teacher, I would visit a woman twice a week whose body was riddled with cancer. She was a schoolteacher in her mid forties and had been given no more than a few months to live by her doctors. Sometimes a few words were spoken during those visits, but mostly we would sit together in silence, and as we did, she had her first glimpses of the stillness within herself that she never knew existed during her busy life as a schoolteacher.

One day, however, I arrived to find her in a state of great distress and anger. “What happened” I asked. Her diamond ring, of great monetary as well as sentimental value, had disappeared, and she said she was sure it had been stolen by the woman who came to look after her for a few hours every day. She said she didn’t understand how anybody could be so callous and heartless as to do this to her. She asked me whether she should confront the woman or whether it would be better to call the police immediately. I said I couldn’t tell her what to do, but asked her to find out how important a rig or anything else was at this point in her life. “You don’t understand,” she said. “This was my grandmother’s ring. I used to wear it every day until I got ill and my hands became too swollen. It’s more than just a ring to me. How can I not be upset?”

The quickness of her response and the anger and defensiveness in her voice were indications that she had not yet become present enough to look within and to disentangle her reaction from the event and observe them both. Her anger and defensiveness were signs that the ego was still speaking through her. I said, “I am going to ask you a few questions, but instead of answering them now, see if you can find the answers within you. I will pause briefly after each question. When an answer comes, it may not necessarily come in the form of words.” She said she was ready to listen. I asked: “Do you realize that you will have to let go of the ring at some point, perhaps quite soon? How much more time do you need before you will be ready to let go of it? Will you become less when you let go of it? Has who you are become diminished by the loss?” There were a few minutes of silence after the last question. 

When she started speaking again, there was a smile on her face, and she seemed at peace. “The last question made me realize something important. First, I went to my mind for an answer and my mind said, ‘Yes, of course you have been diminished.’ Then I asked myself the question again, ‘Has who I am become diminished?’ This time I tried to feel rather than think the answer. And suddenly I could feel my I Am ness. I have never felt that before. If I can feel the I Am so strongly, then who I am hasn’t been diminished at all. I can still feel it now, something peaceful but very alive.”

“That is the joy of Being,” I said. “You can only feel it when you get out of your head. Being must be felt. It can’t be thought. The ego doesn’t know about it because thought is what it consists of. The ring was really in your head as a thought that you confused with the sense of I Am. You thought the ‘I Am’ or a part of it was in the ring.

“Whatever the ego seeks and gets attached to are substitutes for the Being that it cannot feel. You can value and care for things, but whenever you get attached to them, you will know it’s the ego. And you are never really attached to a thing but to a thought that has ‘I,’ ‘me,’ or ‘mine’ in it. Whenever you completely accept a loss, you go beyond ego, and who you are, the ‘I Am’ which is consciousness itself, emerges.”

She said, “Now I understand something Jesus said that never made much sense to me before: ‘If someone takes your shirt, let him have your coat as well.’”

“That’s right,” I said. “It doesn’t mean you should never lock your door. All it means is that sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.”

In the last few weeks of her life as her body became weaker, she became more and more radiant, as if light were shining through her. She gave many of her possessions away, some to the woman she thought had stolen the ring, and with each thing she gave away, her joy deepened. When her mother called me to let me know she had passed away, she also mentioned that after her death they found her ring in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. Did the woman return the ring, or had it been there all the time? Nobody will ever know. One thing we do know: Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at this moment.

Is it wrong then to be proud of one’s possessions or to feel resentful toward people to have more than you? Not at all. That sense of pride, of needing to stand out, the apparent enhancement of one’s self through “more than” and diminishment through “less than” is neither right nor wrong – it is the ego. The ego isn’t wrong; it’s just unconscious. When you observe the ego in yourself, you are beginning to go beyond it. Don’t take the ego too seriously. When you detect egoic behavior in yourself, smile. At times you may even laugh. How could umanity have been taken in by this for so long? Above all, know that the ego isn’t personal. It isn’t who you are. If you consider the ego to be your personal problem, that’s just more ego.

(to be continued)

Τετάρτη 3 Ιουλίου 2024

Living in the glorious times soon coming is beyond your imagining.

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 3 July 2024

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Dear ones, please take a break from feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders and inhale deeply, exhale slowly. Repeat this three times. If visualization comes easily to you, on the outbreath conjure the image of a pristine Earth being gently enfolded in glistening golden-white light. If that feels disruptive, just breathe and let your heart feel light.

Thank you. It would be good for you to do that so often it comes naturally. Rhythmic breathing draws in and anchors light to nourish your body, mind and spirit and to maintain balance. During this final stage of ridding Earth of darkness, that kind of breathing also is armor in the midst of low vibrations.

The dark ones will not go gently. They intend to cause chaos and destruction until their final moment, and we know only what they cannot pull off. The saber rattling that may provoke armed skirmishes will not result in WWIII, and, if by brashness or error missiles with nuclear warheads are shot into space, detonation will be prevented.

The United States, which soon must be ended as a corporation and returned to the republic form of governance the founding fathers established, is imploding politically. The charade of an imposter in the presidency needs to be over and done with. It remains to be seen what will happen to others in this sad government that includes clones and doubles that are controlled by puppets of the darkness. On the 4th of July next year this country’s citizens finally can celebrate actual independence.

Whatever the dark ones thrust at your world, the White Hats, extraterrestrial special forces and crews in spacecraft surrounding Earth are at the ready to counterpunch. You know the light already has won the battle, so just be alert, confident and fearless in the months ahead.

Now let us respond to this dear soul, whose feelings are shared by many other lightworkers who, like he, incarnated several decades ago. “For years messengers like Matthew have said the Light won, darkness on Earth is ending. I’m old, tired and disillusioned by wanton killing and destruction, misused technology, deepening polarization, PLANdemics and lethal fake vaccines. Will we ever see that we really did change anything for the better?”

Our memories of helping third density civilizations weather the battle’s ending times are clear and present, and it is with profuse empathy that we ask you to please be patient a little longer for evidence that you are making a world of difference— literally, a different world. Beloved brothers and sisters, you are so close to seeing the benefits of the light forces in action!

The divine plan to liberate Gaia and her life forms from darkness fits into a universal timeline that primarily affects your solar system, because it is the part of the Universe in which Earth revolves. All major events in the plan must happen in an order that keeps the synchronous relationship of affected celestial bodies within the timeframe of optimal benefits for all. The more expansive the objective, the more action required, the greater and grander the achievement.

Transforming life on Earth is a monumental undertaking because it requires eliminating every trace of darkness. Other bodies in the solar system are assisting by directing extra light to the specific activity whose frequency attracted it. We are not talking about a process ongoing for years longer, but months, and we are suggesting that you not try to make sense of what is happening—nothing is as it seems.

Along with blanketing the globe with benevolence and undergirding all light-based efforts, high vibratory levels can cause fatigue and lack of clarity in individuals dealing with physical, mental and emotional challenges. The vibrations may be releasing submerged conditions so they can be consciously known, handled and healed. To benefit from those kinds of growth opportunities, boost your energy and stabilize your centeredness by sleeping longer than usual, drinking a lot of pure water, spending time in Nature and breathing rhythmically.

Keeping in mind that the Universal Law of Attraction operates 24 /7, think and speak with care. Thoughts and comments about being exhausted, confused, anxious or discouraged, for instance, is asking the universe to give you situations that cause those kinds of feelings. Uplifting thoughts of feeling strong, happy, positive and fulfilled will help you be that way. Please take good care of yourselves, beloved family!

“Matthew and other light messengers talk about advanced beings who love us and help us. I just read an article about entities who said their civilizations can’t clean up a world its people chose to mess up because they can’t interfere with anyone’s free will. It didn’t sound very loving or helpful. Could Matthew comment on it?” We would not venture to speak about information without knowing exactly what it is, but we will happily comment on the reader’s statement and connect the dots that show why Earth’s peoples need and deserve the massive amount of assistance they are given.

First we say, it is true that no civilization has the prerogative or the responsibility to “clean up” another civilization’s world. According to Universal Law, assistance is given only if requested. Ancestors of a population may cringe at what they see going on, but they cannot interfere unless they are asked.

Nigh onto a century ago Gaia’s planetary body was so weak it was at risk of flying into space and certain destruction. She cried out for help and countless numbers of extraterrestrials immediately answered her call. It started with highly evolved civilizations beaming light of such intensity that it freed the planet from the depths of third density and enabled it to embark on a steady ascension course. During the passing decades, souls from those civilizations incarnated on Earth and spread their own light to waken the populace so they could take charge of their world. Your and your predecessors’ participation has been invaluable, and that will continue with those to whom you pass the torch.

Let us digress a moment. Mother, please copy the message Gaia gave you some years ago.

I am Gaia, the soul of the planet you call Earth. Just as you, I can feel heavyhearted or lighthearted. For long ages I wept, when my spirit was broken. My people were hateful to each other and my body was soaked with their blood. I weep no longer because there is so much to feel joyful about, so much to feel thankful for.

My light is not yet in full force, my body is not yet balanced. That is because some of my children still are being hateful to one another. Some of them are without love, without compassion, without the understanding that differences can be absolutely splendid when harmony and respect flow along the heart-lines.

Yet, I am joyful because I am on a journey like no other soul in this universe ever has traveled. I am going home, and you who are holding the light that is helping me move steadily and quickly forward are coming with me. Can you imagine a greater distinction than this journey we are sharing? Can you imagine a greater excitement than our Ascension? I cannot!

I asked to speak this day to tell you of my gratitude for all of you. You were chosen from a great number of souls, triple the number that could incarnate and participate. This level of light service never before has been undertaken. We are playing a part in the grandest show ever performed in this universe. I feel the humility that mingles with sublime satisfaction for a job well done—in the continuum, our job is completed.

As our travels continue, many wonders are in store for you and this world of ours. You have been told of many, so you can think of them and look forward to them, but actually living in the glorious times soon coming is beyond your imagining.

All beings in this Universe are watching this unfold, did you know? I cannot imagine such a vast audience! All the souls of light are cheering for us, so we shall continue giving them a good show, an experience worthy of even God’s applause. I share my heart with you and my love for you is overflowing. [Gaia gave me that message during a global meditation on June 2011 solstice. It is “Gaia’s Message” chapter in Earth’s Golden Age.]

Thank you, Mother. Dear ones, whether you think of yourselves as volunteers, lightworkers, wayshowers, pathfinders, star seeds or soul searchers, you need to know from Gaia herself how grateful she is that you are helping her “go home.” Home is high fifth density, where she, God and Sol co-created her planetary body.

Moving on now, it is not true that Earth’s peoples “chose to mess up their world.” The population differs immensely in evolutionary status, reasons for incarnating, attitudes, actions and intentions.

You left advanced civilizations to help Earth’s populace wake up, rebel against control and manifest the peaceful world they want. Those who just now are waking are shocked by the extent of deception and corruption and don’t know where to begin to change it. Souls who are farther along in awareness may not yet know about the ages-old battle between the light forces and the dark, but they see what is wrong in their world and are stepping up to fix it. The energy of those groups’ desires to live peacefully, harmoniously and prosperously attract the high vibrations sent out by various sources in the solar system.

Individuals who are adamant about everyone conforming to their opinion of an issue keep polarization’s low vibrations going full tilt; still, if there could be a choice “to mess up the world” or not to, it could only be what the dark ones and their minions have done with their free will choices.

Furthermore, “chose” indicates alternatives were available and none were. The Universal Law about requesting help also specifies that no civilization can impose its will upon another; nevertheless, long before Terra was called Earth, puppets of the dark forces ignored that law and bulldozed their way to controlling the planet’s residents.

Since then the playing field never has been even. Successive populations were predominantly people with only two active DNA strands, and their greatly reduced intelligence, instinctiveness, intuition and health made them easy prey for the dark forces. Once in captivity, the defenceless people endured severe hardships and in their early years died from disease, famine, battlefield injuries or childbirth.

Struggling to merely survive brought out the worst in some individuals at the expense of others. That prevented souls from attaining the balanced experiencing that leads to evolvement. So, God established Karma—the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, or choices and consequences—and the planet that once had been the actual garden of Eden became known as an excellent schoolhouse for mastering emotions. Souls from all over the universe who needed that for balance incarnated on the planet and jumped on the karmic merry-go-round.

They did that again and again because puppets of the dark forces figuratively and literally kept one generation after another “in the dark.” Social engineering is a more current and perhaps less ominous term than brainwashing, but it is the same principle—control information available to a non-suspecting populace. In this era it is mainstream media, the Internet, publishing houses, educational systems, religious teachings, communication methods and the timeless effectiveness of repeating a lie until it is accepted as fact.

Repetition of false information and suppression of truths produced populations that unquestioningly obeyed “authorities.” To firmly establish divisiveness, the dark ones devised political, cultural, religious, financial and ideological labels, then taught bigotry and hatred of “differences.” Via wars, ignorance, impoverishment and fear, for many, many millennia this evil empire kept captive the souls who incarnated on Earth. Gaia could not survive more suffering and bloodshed and wanted to be rid of the darkness that is so entrenched her peoples did not even know it was controlling their lives.

And that, beloved sisters and brothers, is why universal family members on Earth needed massive assistance, why your homelands responded immediately, why you eagerly volunteered to help, and why Gaia is profoundly grateful.

All light beings in this Universe honor you for steadfastness in your vital mission and support you with unconditional love.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com