Δευτέρα 24 Ιουνίου 2024

Protect your Newborn from Inoculations

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

There ís a whole New Earth being birthed, and all souls are now being born with telepathy and clairvoyance and great wisdom. This is why your government has its inoculation system in place in your hospitals. These inoculations jam the high frequencies of the newborn and prevent their accessing the divine gifts that they are innately endowed with. This is the purpose of these “mandatory” inoculations. They are to keep the Light of your newborn off the planet.

So remember dear ones, not to give into the fear of your hospitals or your media, and stand in your own Light of Wisdom, of knowing that nothing can harm your newborn, as they are divinely endowed and protected from the illnesses of this planet. They come fully equipped to withstand all adverse conditions and nothing administered to them by your hospitals or doctors can protect them - it will only deflect their health from them. So protect your new-borns by knowing that they are already protected from within their own DNA, and no outside antidote or inoculation can benefit them in any way.

They, too, are the Angels incarnating on Earth and being born to you at this time to bring more and more Light to Earth. As Earth’s frequency of Light increases, we cheer from below, knowing that our emergence is indeed imminent. We leave now in the Light and Love of our Creator.

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