Δευτέρα 31 Ιουλίου 2023

We will clean all your oceans and streams and show you how to harness the life force

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

Electrons Remain Intact In Our Water

We don’t use the same technology to bring our water to us as you on the surface do. Our “pipes” operate differently, so that when our water flows through them, the electrons remain intact. When water flows through the pipes on the surface, the electrons spin off, resulting in the loss of life force. So, you drink “dead” water, due to the way water spirals through your pipes. This does not occur in the Hollow Earth or Subterranean Cities, because we know how to flow water to keep its electrons intact and protect its life force. So, the water we drink is alive. It is living consciousness. 

When we emerge and come to the surface, we will bring our equipment with us, connected to the Hollow Earth oceans, and deliver water to you that you’ve never tasted before; water that invigorates your spirit, renews your cells and rebuilds your body. We will clean all your oceans and streams, and show you how to harness the life force and bring it right into your homes.

We store our records on Telonium Plates

I am talking to you from my office in the Library of Porthologos, where I transcribe and prepare all ancient, current and future records for our Telonium plates. Telonium is an ancient and eternal kind of metal that lasts forever and never shows any signs of decay. It is the perfect material to store our records on. This process of storage is quite a creative one, and it’s a joy to indulge ourselves in the creation process of preserving all of Earth’s records, along with all the records in our Universe. It is a process of extreme creativity, not like working in a surface copy shop or the mundane repetition of factory work.

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