Τετάρτη 8 Μαρτίου 2023

Our Galactic Connection

By Dianne Robbins

The Story of the Hollow Earth Inhabitants

Greetings from the Center of the Earth. I am Mikos, an inhabitant below the Earth’s surface, enfolded in the hollow globe deep on the inside space of Earth, as lifeforms circle around and above us on the surface. You are on the rim, so to speak, while we dwell in the cradle, which is safe and secure from outside forces of chaos that are currently raging around you.

As many of you are now familiar with Telos, but not really familiar with the Hollow Earth inhabitants, we would like you to hear our story now. We are a very advanced race of Beings who have never resided on the surface. We have come from other planets in your solar system and other galaxies from the far out reaches of space. We came here to oversee the Earth, and we came here to continue our own evolution without interference from any race or ET’s. We are securely encased in the core of the Earth, sufficiently to protect us from all outside intrusion, so that we can evolve as quickly as we can in order to secure this planet as an outpost of Love and Light. For the quicker we can evolve, the quicker we can come to the surface to help struggling humanity gain its freedom into the Light of God’s Love. This is why you have not seen or heard from us. It is because we have self-imposed this seclusion.

We now wish you to acknowledge Us, standing free in the Light of God, in the midst of you; constantly radiating out our Light and Love to you to grasp and hold onto, as we pull you closer and closer to our heart’s flame, until you meld with us into God’s mighty stream of Light, enabling you to then go forth into the world, where you’ll shine as a beacon, and where all who encounter your radiance become magnetized from within to begin their transformation in consciousness and increased awareness of the multitudes of Beings who are here to help you and all life on Earth to evolve into higher and higher states of consciousness until all of Earth, together, explodes into her Ascension of Light, and all are freed of Earth’s density forever.

This is our role, this is our final goal to carry out on Earth, and then we will all, en masse, move up the spiral of evolution into the realm of Light and Love, and become who we truly are, living in a place of peace, beauty and prosperity, together as one cell in God’s heart. So, make this journey into Light with us, by opening your hearts to our existence and welcoming us into your life, so that we too, may guide you onto the steps of continual glory, where we step with you, side by side, on our path to God. So walk with us, hand in hand, and whenever you’re weary, think of us holding you and supporting you as we all, as a planet, move closer and closer to our Ascension. You are close, very close, and we are here to give you that extra push into the Light, where we all await your presence.

We bask in the Light of the Hollow Earth, where we have created a paradise within the womb of Mother Earth. And, we wish you, too, to experience this paradise along with us. We are now working closely with you, our brothers and sisters on the surface, and we cheer you on. I am Mikos, your friend from the past.

(to be continued)

Artwork by Swami Sevaratna

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