Παρασκευή 23 Ιουλίου 2021

The Aether

Excerpt from the book “Divine Cosmos” by David Wilcock

The word “aether” means “shine” in Greek, and the fundamental reality of such an unseen, fluidlike source of universal energy has long been a hallmark of the world’s secret mystery schools. The works of Greek philosophers Pythagoras and Plato discussed it at great length, as did the Vedic scriptures of ancient India,http://www.skai.gr/player/tvlive referring to it by several names such as “prana” and “Akasha.” In the Orient, it is often known as “chi” or “ki,” and special emphasis is placed on its interactions with the human body, such as in the science of acupuncture. Masters and adepts who inherited the secret traditions could eventually learn to manipulate this energy to create miraculous results, such as levitation, teleportation, manifestation, instant healing, telepathy and the like. Such results have been repeatedly documented in the 20th century and studied in the laboratory, as we wrote in Convergence III. 

The aether’s existence was widely accepted without question in scientific circles until the early 20th century, when the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887 was co-opted to “prove” that no such hidden energy source existed. However, more recent breakthroughs involving “dark matter,” “dark energy”, “virtual particles”, “vaccum flux” and “zero-point energy,” to name a few, have brought reluctant Western scientists to acknowledge that there must indeed be an unseen energy medium throughout the Universe. As long as you use a benign term like the “quantum medium” and not the forbidden word ‘aether,’ you can talk about it in the mainstream press without much fear of ridicule. The mainstream scientific establishment is very heavily polarized against anyone who gets too close to an ‘aether’ theory, as they “know” that such a theory must be false and will therefore fight vigorously against it. However, such suppression only increases the desire and commitment that many others have put into solving the puzzle. 

One early example of proof for the existence of the aether comes from Dr. Hal Puthoff, a respected scientist from Cambridge University. Puthoff frequently mentions experiments from the early 20th century that were designed to see if there was any energy in “empty space,” conducted before quantum mechanics theory ever existed. In order to test this idea in the laboratory, it was necessary to create an area that was completely free of air (a vacuum,) and lead-shielded from all known electromagnetic radiation fields by using what is known as a Faraday cage. This airless vacuum space was then cooled down to absolute zero or -273° C, the temperature where all matter should stop vibrating and thus produce no heat. 

These experiments proved that instead of an absence of energy in the vacuum, there was a tremendous amount of it, from a completely nonelectromagnetic source! Dr. Puthoff has often called this a "seething cauldron" of energy in very high magnitudes. Since this energy could still be found at absolute zero, this force was dubbed "zero point energy" or ZPE, whereas the Russian scientists usually call it the “physical vacuum” or PV. Recently, established mainstream physicists John Wheeler and Richard Feynman have calculated that: 

The amount of zero-point energy in the space volume of a single light bulb is powerful enough to bring all the world's oceans to the boiling point! 

Clearly, we are not dealing with some weak, unseen force, but rather a source of almost impossibly grand power, which would have more than enough strength to sustain the existence of all of physical matter. In the new view of science that is emerging from aether theory, all four of the basic force fields, whether gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear or strong nuclear force, are all simply different forms of the aether/ZPE. To get another idea of how much “free” energy really exists all around us, Professor M.T. Daniels found that the density of the gravitational energy near the surface of the earth is equal to 5.74 x 10^10 (t/m^3). [Let us not forget that gravity would simply be another form of aether in this new model.] Prof. Daniels’ finding means that drawing a sizable 100 kilowatts of this “free energy” power from the gravitational field dips into an extremely tiny 0.001% of the natural energy that is being produced in that area. (New Energy News, June 1994, p.4) 

Research conducted by Nikola Tesla led to his statement in 1891 that the aether “behaves as a fluid to solid bodies, and as a solid to light and heat,” and that under “sufficiently high voltage and frequency,” it could be accessed – which was his hint that free energy and anti-gravity technologies were possible. Let us pay special attention, again, to Tesla’s statement that the aether has a fluidlike effect when we are dealing with solid objects, as this ties in directly with the work of Dr. N.A. Kozyrev

Artwork by Swami Sevaratna

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