Τετάρτη 17 Ιουλίου 2019

Capricorn-Cancer Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse

by Stephanie Austin for 14 July 2019

Dear Friends,

The next full moon, which forms on July 16 at 2:38 PM PDT at 24º Capricorn-Cancer, is also a lunar eclipse, and is further potentized by strong solar winds due to reach Earth on July 15 or 16th. The Sun, Venus, and North Node in Cancer illuminate where we are being called to reclaim the power of the feminine — to listen to our feelings, body, and intuition, recognize the importance of nourishment, relations, and habitat, and honor our connection with all life. The Moon, Pluto, Saturn, and the South Node in Capricorn spotlight where we are being forced to take appropriate responsibility, trust our inner authority, and let go of what keeps us in separation, limitation, and fear. This partial eclipse will be visible in parts of Europe, Asia, South America, and Australia, but its effects are global.

Our Earth is bathed, and occasionally bombarded, by ionized radiation from our Sun and beyond, altering the magnetic field of the Earth and all its inhabitants. Last week we experienced strong solar winds from a CME (coronal mass ejection); this week, intensified solar winds stream from a coronal hole in the Sun's magnetic field. Recent data from the European Space Agency's Cluster mission shows that it is easier for the solar wind to infiltrate our magnetosphere than previously believed. Fluctuations in solar wind speed, density, and direction impact satellite communications, aircraft and sea vessel navigation, and radio, military, and internet transmissions.

These geomagnetic storms can also destabilize or disable power grids and affect our personal power grids as well. Radiation from solar winds has been shown to alter chromosomes, disrupt circadian rhythms, and affect our brain, heart, and nervous system. On a more subtle level, these cosmic downloads help release deeply ingrained patterns and beliefs. We may feel suddenly tired or sleepy, disoriented or disgruntled, as our body and psyche recalibrates and reboots. Whenever you start to feel ‘off’ or stressed, slow and deepen your breathing. Stay in gratitude as much as possible. Drink lots of water. Simplify. De-clutter. Rest, receive, and remember that this planet and everyone on it is part of an unprecedented evolutionary process.

Eclipses occur in 19 year cycles. On July 16, 2000 there was a lunar eclipse at 24º19’ Capricorn-Cancer, very close to this eclipse at 24º00’. Also, one year ago, on July 12, 2018, there was a solar eclipse at 20º Cancer, not far from the degree of this lunar eclipse. What was important in your life around those times? What do you need to focus on now? This full moon/lunar eclipse offers a major reality check, showing us how far we’ve come, and where our growth lies now.

Venus, the archetype of love and beauty, plays a very prominent role in this eclipse. Venus is associated with the heart chakra and represents our relationship energy. This includes our self esteem, as well as our capacity to be intimate with others. Closely conjuncting the North Node in Cancer, and opposite Saturn and the South Node in Capricorn, Venus reminds us of the importance of self-love and self-trust. Venus also quincunxes Jupiter, trines Neptune, and opposes Pluto, encouraging us to broaden our sense of family, home, and allegiance beyond blood, tribe, and country; to feel our connection and affiliation with all beings. Venus conjuncting the North Node also symbolizes that, as we let go of blame and shame, guilt and self-doubt, we reconnect with our divine birthright and unique gifts. As we heal our personal history, we become a source of light and support for others.

This eclipse is further potentized by Saturn’s proximity to the South Node in Capricorn, pressuring us to transform how we deal with power, control, and authority of all kinds. Saturn and Capricorn are closely related archetypes, concerned with our relationship to the physical plane — the limitations of time, space, and matter. Both deal with structure, from the macro level of corporations and governments, to the more subtle level of egoic identity and samskaras, our predilections, tendencies, and fears. Often called the Lord of Karma, Saturn represents the law of cause and effect, commonly expressed as "As ye sow, so shall ye reap" or: "What goes around, comes around". Sometimes considered to be punishment, karma is better understood as learning. For example, we can learn about power through a variety of roles; through being a tyrant or victim, rebel or martyr. Each experience, whether pleasant or traumatic, ultimately teaches us something about life, ourselves, and what it means to be human.

The South Lunar Node symbolizes both personal and collective karma; lessons that we have been working on for a long time; in some cases for many generations and lifetimes. On a personal level, the South Node in Capricorn represents where we may still struggle with guilt and shame, duty and obligation, depression and unworthiness. Learning to accept, forgive, and love ourselves unconditionally is often the hardest part of the spiritual path. Holotropic Breathwork, Somatic Therapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as Tapping), past life regressions, sound healing, and expressive arts therapy are some healing modalities that can reach and release core issues. On a collective level, the South Node in Capricorn mandates a redefinition of the rules of society, the goals of business, the standards for success. Saturn remains within 1º of the South Node for over five months this year, from April 25 to October 1st, with three exact conjunctions on May 20th (20º11’), June 23 (18º23’), and September 16 (13º53”), impelling us to heal old wounds, eliminate ‘shoulds,’ and shift our primary motivation from fear to love.

Pluto conjuncts the Moon during this lunar eclipse, and also remains close to the South Node much of this year, adding to the cosmic pressure to radically transform how we deal with power, authority, and the Earth’s resources. Pluto requires that we face our shadow; the parts of ourselves we have hidden and rejected, such as unexpressed talents or our perceived shortcomings. Spirituality is not about becoming good, but about becoming whole. Awakening requires a descent into the Underworld, where we deal with our emotional issues and wounding, dismantle our defenses, and discover our true nature. For some very effective ways to work with the shadow, read the 10th chapter of Leslie Temple-Thurston's book The Marriage of Spirit on Squares, a simple but extremely powerful karmic shortcut, and Aletheia Luna’s excellent article on the shadow, as well as a shadow workbook.

All full moons, and especially lunar eclipses, impel us to reconcile two opposing signs; to shift from projection and polarization to balance and integration. While the Lunar Nodes (and their associated eclipses) are in Cancer-Capricorn from November 15, 2018 to June 4, 2020, we have been working on the lessons of Cancer and Capricorn for some time. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, and Saturn since December 19, 2017. The last time the Lunar Nodes were in Cancer-Capricorn was from April 5, 2000 to October 23, 2001. During that time, Saturn opposed Pluto. The mythic Reaper and Lord of the Underworld are nearing their next conjunction (January 12, 2020), and will be joined by Jupiter after it enters Capricorn towards the end of 2019. This rare alignment of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn occurs only once every 735 years, marking the ending of an era, and the birth of a new paradigm with respect to power and resources. Transition times are challenging, as we deal with the death rattle of duality and the birth pangs of unity, but the rewards are great also. As we release old patterns and limited beliefs, we gain a deep sense of inner peace, wholeness, and joy by living in heart-centered consciousness. We also make very different choices, because we can feel our interconnectedness with all life.

Mercury is still retrograde (July 7 to July 31), prodding us to double check whether what we are doing aligns with our soul agenda. Synchronicity and flow tell us we’re on the right track, whereas miscommunications, accidents, and mechanical break downs are often messages to slow down, re-evaluate, and listen more carefully to our intuition. Watch for important insights around July 21, when the Sun conjuncts Mercury, July 24 when Mercury conjuncts Venus, and around July 25 when Mars trines Jupiter.

This full moon reminds us that: “…Many of you on the front lines of Ascension are being grounded even deeper into your physical bodies and the process for many is grueling and rigorous… Often times, just before profound levels of energetic harvest, it is common to experience the agonizing frustration of feeling like you are moving through pools of molasses or like an exhausting uphill battle. If this has been your experience over the past few days or weeks, not to worry. It is merely the Universe purposefully slowing you down to help you ground into the Earth, where your energy can anchor into place and expand around you… The more time is spent aligning and allowing, the less fear permeates your system. The less you identify with fear, the easier it is for your energy field to ground into position and help you further along the transmutation process. As each day becomes an opportunity to align and allow, the process of grounding your energy field will get so much easier, with waves of inspiration, passion, clarity, and joy replacing all the panic, frustration, sadness, exhaustion, and agitation that was only created to help slow you down into greater energetic alignment… Let us breathe. Let us love. Let us align. Let us allow.” (Matt Kahn)


Stephanie Austin


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