Παρασκευή 14 Ιουνίου 2013

My Higher Self: Do You Want To Be Right Or Happy?

A Message from Andrew on 21 May 2013 

Your ego is very powerful. Every person has an ego. Some have big egos and some have smaller egos. Your ego wants you to make you feel that you are right and others are wrong with respect to discussions that you may have. 

You do not need to right in your discussions with others. This creates arguments which may eventually lead to hurt feelings, isolation, separation, and eventually war. There may be war on a small-scale, like between friends and family members. 

And there is war between countries as well. Ego is what causes wars. It is the need to be right and the stubbornness to give in that causes this separation and conflict. Disagreements will cause not only separation, but also name calling and hurt feelings that will linger inside, which eventually get suppressed subconsciously causing emotional pain on the inside. 

That pain is now coming up to the surface to be released. This pain may be from this lifetime or past lifetimes, or both. It needs to be released now, all of it. Please let go of any feelings that you have with wanting or needing to be right. This is especially true even though you may feel that you are right and the other person is wrong. You can be right or you can be happy. 

You can seldom be both. Choose to be happy. Let go of being right. This will disarm your ego. When you disarm your ego, you will remove conflict from your relationships and there will be no disagreements or dissension or separation. Take the high road. 

This way your ego will not force you in any bad direction, typically of making other people in your conversation to feel that they are not correct. Do not be angry or hostile towards others in your conversations. 

This does not help. You will not be happy and will most likely pick up unnecessary karma for yourself. What good will it does to prove your point that you are right and someone is wrong? You may be right, but will you be happy knowing that the other person is now upset? That other person will feel deflated as if they have lost. 

If something is very important that you need to stand by, then by all means stand by your point. For example, if someone is abusing you mentally, you do not want to tell them that they are right. You probably need to end that relationship. In these times, you will know who you resonate with and those people who you do not resonate with will probably drop off from your life. 

There are no losers, as losing creates separation. We are all One. It creates the perception that one is right and one is wrong. Do not be angry in your discussions with others. Do not be bitter with your discussions with others. This is not a contest of who is right and who is not right. 

This is not a fight of who can yell the loudest and overcome the other with their words. Do not have any resentment towards others and always be loving in your discussions with others, no matter how mad or frustrated they seem to make you with their comments. 

Laugh it off and just move on. It is not worth your happiness. You want to be happy, as happiness is a higher frequency vibration. Whenever you are in any discussion with someone and you feel an argument coming on, ask yourself whether you want to be right or whether you want to be happy. 

Is it really worth it to you to be right, to prove your point that you are right and that the other person is wrong? You should pick being happy. 

Watch what happens when you agree with the other person and just smile at them, even though they may be wrong. Practice saying with a smile “Sure, you are right, I agree.” 

You are showing your strength by transcending your ego. You are choosing kindness, compassion and showing the ego that you are no longer a slave to it. The other person will feel so much better by you agreeing with them on their point. 

They may even seem confused, as their ego was bracing itself for a fight. And now you swallowed both egos with your love and compassion. This is not an easy thing to do, to stay calm, and centered and balanced when the other person is going off on you and looking for an argument. Or it just drives you crazy knowing that they are so wrong. But just let it go, tell them you agree. 

Take the high road and have the satisfaction that you have just checked their ego at the door. You have just shined your light tremendously by your actions of choosing not to be right and choosing to be happy. In fact, when you do this, you will be good at it and you will see so many less arguments in your life. You will see that you have more friends in your life. 

And you may see these people change in respect to your views, as you have changed in relation to theirs, based on their perceptions. Always take the high road. The ego wants to fight and feel that it is always right. So, prevent the fight from even beginning and not allow the ego any say in the fight. By doing this, you will feel so much better. 

You will see yourself tested in the upcoming times. Egos are fighting for survival at these heightened energetic times and you will see the egos out in full force picking fights. Do not engage. Just observe. Tell the other person what they want to hear and diffuse the situation. You will be happy you did and you will feel so good and have this overwhelming sense of peace as you transcended both your ego and the other person’s ego. 

This does take a little bit of practice. If you feel you are getting annoyed and your blood is boiling by the ramblings of someone that you know is wrong, just take a few deep breaths and find your calmness, your peace. Ask your angels for assistance. You are already going through a lot in this lifetime. This is one less thing that you may not need to deal with. 

But it is a big thing and everyone now is being tested on their calmness and ability to be happy. So, choose happiness over being right and tame the egos involved. Your ego may not thank you, but your heart will. And you are headed into a heart filled world. So, always choose to be happy. You will be happy you did. 


Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/my-higher-self-do-you-want-to-be-right-or-happy#ixzz2VEnrtj00 

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